Making the Most of a Vendor Event

You booked your business at a vendor event, now what? Working your first event can be a little nerve wracking. You want to be prepared but often have no idea what to expect. Here are some tips: 1.) Find out before hand if the other businesses do cash and carry. If so, you will want to have a few items to buy off the table. Purchase items which are hot sellers so if you have to fill orders from your inventory you can. Do not let yourself get stuck with a ton of product. Some events are more order taking … Continue reading

After the Vendor Event…..

The event is over. Your feet are killing you, and you just want to go home. You have plans of relaxing in the tub, playing with your kids and just forgetting about your business for a few days. Ahhhh……. Stop right there. It’s not over, it’s just beginning! Now that you have worked an event, you just increased your customer base by 1 to 100 or more customers! Are you going to let them lose your number or are you going to show them what A++ customer service is all about? I am going to liken this to you shopping … Continue reading

Lost and Cold at a Vendor Event

I do vendor events and work booths as a great way to meet new people and expand my network of customers. During the holidays, I find myself working more than usual. I often have more names of new customers and hostesses to call then I can personally get through. However, last Saturday I found myself freezing in a warehouse with just one sale and two names! I was not happy about the lost time with my family, but all I can do is learn from what happened. What makes a good vendor event? Often times, we can get an idea … Continue reading