Three Ms You Don’t Want in Marriage

Yesterday we looked at some Ms to incorporate into marriage. Today I’ve got three Ms you definitely don’t want in your marriage Manipulative We’ve all seen then the wives who manipulate their husbands with tears and emotional blackmail and acts designed to get what they want. We see it in those who manipulate their spouse into doing what they want when they want it, using sex or whatever other means at their disposal to get their own way. Manipulative people often use tactics to make the other person feel guilty, if they don’t comply. They use silent treatment or lies … Continue reading

The Abusive Customer or Client

I have written about coping with challenging customers and clients and different ways that we may have to deal with less-than-idea interactions in our home businesses. Every once in a while, however, we may get one of those customers-from-hell who is so verbally abusive, so mean, and so challenging, that it may be all we can do to maintain composure while we try to deal with them. I have to remind myself that I do not have to tolerate verbal abuse from individuals while I’m working. It can be tough since I genuinely want to diffuse any disagreements and I … Continue reading

Verbal Abuse is Abuse

When one hears the word abuse or someone who has been abused, they usually think of someone with bruises and broken bones. Yet abuse can go much deeper than the skin and bones. Abuse does not have to be a physical attack. It can be a mental and an emotional attack. Abuse does have to hurt the body, it can also hurt the mind and the sole. Many people, including husbands, do not consider words to be abusive. As the saying goes “stick and stones…” However, words can be very hurtful and harmful. Many women are in an abusive relationship. … Continue reading