Problematic Gaming

If your kids play a lot of shoot-em-up video games, you may wonder if they will eventually have problems differentiating fantasy from reality. Tyler has a Star Wars games that he loves. I sometimes play it too but it does contain a lot of shooting action. I don’t allow him to play with toy guns, so this is the only time he’s able to “shoot” anyone. I try to steer him toward learning games and games that don’t include shooting or hurting anyone. And there are plenty of good games out there. We have a Pac Man game also and … Continue reading

Playing Computer and Video Games Together

My daughters have been teaching me how to play SIMS 2 on the computer. We had a dreadfully wet and rainy weekend this past weekend–nonstop downpours with dark clouds and blustery leaves. No one wanted to go outside even to get a jug of milk. So once we’d watched all the movies, my almost-eighteen-year-old got out the computer games and the three of us built our homes and families and I struggled along to learn how to play. By all practical standards, we might all three be considered “too old” for such activities. I have certainly never been one to … Continue reading

Top Ten Video Games

If you had to choose the ten greatest video games of all time, which ones would you choose? Would they be childhood favorites, or more modern cutting edge games? or perhaps it would be a mixture of both. Andy McNamara, the editor-in-Chief of the magazine, Game Information, was asked by a local Pittsburgh, Pa television station what his top picks would be. Game Information is tha largest video game magazine in the entire country. McNamara’s picks span through the years and through the platforms. From the Arcade system to the PC, his seems to have covered all of the basis. … Continue reading

Atari 2600 Games Online

If you grew up in the late 70s and early 80s then you must be familiar with the classic Atari 2600 games. I remember running home from school and rushing through my homework so that I might pop in a favorite cartridge and battle against blocky-looking space invaders, asteroids or dragons. The Atari 2600 was like a magic box. Here was an entire arcade in my living room. and it was made even more special by the fact that I won it in a contest sponsored by Captain Crunch cereal. So even now, with all of our current technology, it … Continue reading

Free Wii Jacket

The effort to protect Wii users and all who come in contact with an active Wii unit goes on. Why do all of these people need protection? Well it isn’t that their is anything inherently wrong with the unit or electrical components. And no, as far as we know, the Wii doesn’t have a trace of lead paint on it. The danger really has to do with the design. Or maybe a more accurate declaration is that the danger is about 60 percent design and 40 percent user enthusiasm. Yes, the issue that first surfaced when the Wii was released … Continue reading

Computing News Roundup for October 3, 2007

Are people still angry about the iPhone price reduction? You bet; and they are taking action. Find out the details to this story and other in the computing news roundup for October 3, 2007. iPhone Anger In New York City, Donmei Li is suing Apple Inc. for its decision to reduce the price on the 8GB iPhone by $200 and to discontinue the 4GB iPhone. Li is seeking $1 million in damages, saying the price reduction injured her and others like her who cannot resell the iPhone for the same profit as those customers who bought the phone after the … Continue reading

Halo 3 Reviews

Wondering if Halo 3 lives up to the hype? Well, check out the reviews that are just pouring in across the country on the latest hot video game. Halo 3 was released by Microsoft for the Xbox 360 yesterday. Here is what everyone has to say about it. From CNN CNN gave Halo 3 rave reviews, saying that it definitely lived up to the hype. Cnn says: “The extraordinary high-definition graphics, which include many noninteractive cinematic story sequences, push the limits of the Xbox 360. Thousands of lines of dialogue and a Hollywood-quality epic musical score also help you become … Continue reading

Celebrities Get “Their Halo 3 On”

Halo 3 debuted today for the Xbox 360 after weeks and weeks of promotional hype. This third installment of the popular video game series was created by Microsoft. And although the company won’t say how many millions of dollars went into its development and promotion (probably more like tens of millions), Microsoft says it is confident that it will outdoor the summer blockbuster movie Spiderman 3. Why the movie comparison? I’m not sure. Shouldn’t apples be compared to apples and video games to video games? Perhaps the comparison is one more way to grab people’s attention in an avalanche of … Continue reading

Top Wii Games

Whether you’re looking for some new games to play on your Wii or just shopping around for the upcoming holiday season, you’ll want to check out this list of top Wii games. Some haven’t even been released, yet! Which ones will be your favorites? According to, these are the most popular games for the Wii right now. The descriptions are mine. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Get your star wars fix in this next generation of Star Wars games that employs, you guessed it, next generation technology to bring the force to life. Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles. Who doesn’t … Continue reading

Hot EA Games Now on the Mac

EA games are now available for the Mac. Apple announced the release of six new titles of video games that are playable on the Mac, along with gaming gear to enhance the playing experience. Apple is recommending that these games be played on the newer Intel-based Macs. Some of the games list the Intel processor as a requirement, although rumor has it that the games are all playable on older Macs, but with either a decrease in performance or with glitches that may pause the games or require them to be restarted. Some of the games are available right now, … Continue reading