The Health Benefits of Pumpkin

Full disclosure time: I love pumpkin. Pumpkin pie is my favorite holiday season dessert. My mom makes awesome pumpkin chocolate chip cookie bars. But I don’t only love it for dessert! Pumpkin soup, pumpkin curry… I love it all. Lucky for me, pumpkin is good for you. A gal can’t live on pumpkin pie alone (or pumpkin cheesecake, or pumpkin rolls, or pumpkin bread, or…) but it’s got some real health benefits. Pumpkin is full of fiber. Yay fiber! Fiber helps you feel full, fiber helps keep the digestive system working and happy. Pumpkin is an amazing source of vitamin … Continue reading

Iron Deficiency

According to the World Health Organization, iron deficiency is the number one nutritional disorder in the world — as much as eighty percent of the world population may be iron deficient. As much as thirty percent of the world population may have anemia resulting from iron deficiency. Iron deficiency usually develops gradually. It starts in the body with a negative iron balance — when your iron intake doesn’t meet the body’s daily need for iron. At first, your body’s stores of iron are depleted but the hemoglobin level in your blood stays the same. Anemia develops when the body’s iron … Continue reading

Vitamin A Deficiency in Reptiles

A vitamin A deficiency can be a serious illness for reptiles. In severe cases, a vitamin A deficiency can be fatal. Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin that is essential to the functioning of the skin, mucous membranes, muscles, immune system, reproductive systems, eyes, and more! A reptile with a vitamin A deficiency may demonstrate symptoms like: Swelling around the eyes and mouth, especially the eyelids. The swelling may be so pronounced that the reptile cannot open its eyes! Nasal discharge. Inflammation of the lining of the mouth, known as stomatitis. Weakness. Loss of appetite and weight loss. Decreased … Continue reading

Erase Signs of Aging With Retinoids

Research points to retinoids — vitamin A derivatives — as the best age erasers out there. Retinoids can smooth fine lines, fade dark spots, and help make pores look smaller. However, retinoids can cause skin irritation. Here are some tips for using retinols in your skin care. Start slow — choose an over-the-counter product with retinol. These products contain retinoic acid that works more slowly but irritates skin less. Give it time; improvement may take up to twelve weeks. Choose a period of time when you have no major events coming. You might not want to risk the irritation around … Continue reading


Parsley is more than just a garnish! The ancient Romans used parsley to cover the smell of alcohol on the breath and aid in digestion. If a person looked like they were at death’s door, it was said that they were in need of parsley — the herb was sprinkled on corpses as a deodorizer. In ancient Greece, parsley was used in funeral ceremonies and wreaths given to athletes. People believed that the demi-god Hercules had used parsley in his garlands; the herb was fed to horses in the hopes of increasing stamina. By the Middle Ages, parsley was used … Continue reading

Why Does My Body Need Vitamin A?

What’s number one on that multivitamin label? Vitamin A! It may be at the top of the list, but do you know why your body needs it? Vitamin A is critical for your vision — especially night vision. A deficiency of vitamin A is a major cause of blindness around the world. This vitamin (also known as retinol) also helps promote growth, skin cell regeneration, and reproduction. Vitamin A drops can help relieve dry eyes. Vitamin A also helps keep your mucous membranes healthy and your immune system functioning. The moistness of your mucous membranes helps your body trap and … Continue reading

Tip of the Day- Go Orange Today

How many things can you think of that are orange? Naturally oranges come to mind, but what else? Where else can you find orange your life? Let’s make it an orange day today. Find an orange piece of clothing to wear, pull out your orange essential oils, and eat your orange foods. Having an orange day is all about fun. It’s about lifting your mood and boosting your health. Here are some interesting things that orange can do for you. Think of the color orange, what kinds of emotions do you associate with it? We can all have good and … Continue reading