Voice Changes Aren’t Just For Puberty!

Did you know that your voice can change throughout your life? Talking too much for too long can strain your voice; too much strain can lead to permanent change in your voice. You may end up with a deeper and/or raspier voice. Some women find that their voices start to change and deepen in their thirties. So what can you do to protect your golden tones? Make room for some quiet time in every day. The more you talk, the more often you should give your voice a break — like if you are a teacher or work in sales. … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: The Mission of the Holy Ghost

In John 16, we learn a little bit about the mission of the Holy Ghost. In verse 8, we are told that “he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.” Then, in verse 13, we read that “he will guide you in all truth…and he will shew you all things to come.” From these verses, we learn a little bit about the role of the Spirit in our lives. He reproves us from sin by alerting us to our misconduct. When we are engaged in sinful behavior – or when we are omitting righteous behavior … Continue reading