Marriage Debates: Ballots Banning Same Sex Marriage

Even though not all the votes have been tallied yet, in every state that had a gay marriage ban on the ballot except for Arizona, those who disagree with redefining marriage are winning. In some cases, they are winning by huge numbers. What is interesting is that so many conservative ballot initiatives won or are winning, yet Democrats took over the House and may still take the Senate. Why would social traditionalists vote liberal? Many people are touting this as a huge victory, despite the ballot measures. I think liberal Democrats should be very careful. This is obviously not a … Continue reading

Are You Opposites… Politically?

I’m curious what it might be like to be a fly on the wall in a politically mixed home during such a hotly contested election as this. The 2006 Midterm Elections will definitely fill news cycles for some time to come. Obviously, spouses want to be respectful of each other’s views and values, but I’m betting things can get kind of interesting on a day like today when the two have diametrically opposed ideologies. I know one couple that is made up of two total clowns who tease each other mercilessly, although it is in the spirit of fun. They … Continue reading

Make Your Voice Heard on Marriage Debates and More: Vote!

There’s a lot going on this election season, and some voters are finding themselves confused. In fact, that may be the whole idea in some cases. When ballot initiatives are written in legalese and doublespeak, it should probably send up a red flag. If a referendum or ballot initiative is a good thing, why hide the true meaning in unclear language? Why not use plain language, so every voter knows exactly what it means? Too often, the title, description, or first few paragraphs sound good, but the “meat” of the proposal is hidden within definitions as used in a particular … Continue reading

Home and Family: Get out and Vote

Did you vote yet? Will you vote today? Since it looked like my husband would be out of town with work today, he and I voted early. While voting is a right, it is also a duty, in my opinion. People have died to protect this right, so we owe to them to get out and vote, to make our voices heard, to play a role in how we are governed. November 7, 2006, may be a turning point on many issues in this country, so make sure you have your say in these matters. Your vote does count, as … Continue reading