Vulnerability Can Be both Good and Bad

I often write about the strength and “toughness” of single parents, but I think it is only fair that I also talk a little bit about vulnerability. Many of us find that we wrestle with our vulnerability—how vulnerable can we be? How tough do we have to be? Where do we go with our vulnerable feels and how do we protect ourselves from being too vulnerable? Some days it can seem like a minefield as we vacillate and try to figure what is “good” vulnerability and what is not so good… I made up my mind after I went through … Continue reading

Showing Our Kids Our Vulnerable Side

When our kids are young most of the time they think we can do no wrong. They don’t consider that we might make a mistake or that we might have fears. I was talking with Tyler’s father yesterday and he heard me remark that I was feeling a bit overwhelmed. I never imagined that rebuilding would be such a vast endeavor. As we end our second day in New Orleans, I feel like I have not accomplished much of anything. For instance, on yesterday I waited over two hours for someone to come to my house and measure for kitchen … Continue reading

A Little Vulnerability Can Be Good For Your Business

I have learned over the years that while toughness can be a good thing, and there is definitely a time and place in the world of business for a steely disposition, vulnerability can be good too. I’m not talking about the crying at business meetings that I wrote about a few days ago, but really more about being ourselves and showing a genuine, tender side. This is how relationships are built. Think back over your own relationships with bosses, coworkers, and colleagues–chances are the ones you came to trust the most, enjoy working with, and the ones with whom you … Continue reading