Has Parenting Made You Softer?

Recently I was chatting with a parent who confessed that parenting had made her “softer”—not in terms of being squishy and emotional, but she wanted to talk about how she just felt more open and vulnerable and real as a person because of parenting. I thought this could be a fun topic for a blog here in the Parenting Blog… I had to agree with my friend—I am more myself completely when I am with my children than with anyone else. I have never had a spouse, partner, friend or family member that I have allowed myself to be as … Continue reading

Helping Where They Are the Most Vulnerable

Our kids need our attention and help for all sorts of things. Sure, we need to make sure they are clothed and fed and educated and all those other basic needs, but we also need to be able to see where our children struggle the most; where they are the most vulnerable, and give them extra support, encouragement and resources around those areas. This parenting reality might be really clear if a child has an illness, allergy, or learning disability–but it really does carry over to other aspects of life as well. If a child has a hard time making … Continue reading