Visitors = No Naps?

Does your baby’s nap schedule change when you have visitors? I’m not talking about the inevitable excitement that your baby experiences when new faces are in the house. A baby is bound to be a little more wound up and restless than normal when new people are around. I’m talking about purposely changing a baby’s nap routine so that the baby is awake as much as possible when the guests are over. When our baby was little, she slept just as well, if not better, in someone’s arms as she did in her crib. Having visitors over made almost no … Continue reading

Six More Ways to Start the Day Right

Are you having a hard time getting out of bed these days? If you aren’t fond of waking up before the sun rises, try these tricks to help you start the day right! Focus on the positive. Leave yourself a sticky note the night before that reminds you of something good about the coming day. Thanks to hormonal shifts while we sleep, many people wake up feeling down or just kind of blah. A reminder about something good in the coming day (like lunch with a friend) can help boost your mood. Keep flowers in your bedroom. A study from … Continue reading

Start the Day Right

Breakfast may be the most important meal of the day… but there are lots of other things you can do in the morning to start your day right. Make sure you sleep well the night before. The Health Blog is full of helpful hints to help you get a great night’s sleep! Keep your bedroom cool. Warmth makes it easier to nod off — but it also makes it easier to stay in bed. You may also wake up groggy in a warmer room. A cool room (between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit) will help you wake up alert … Continue reading

The Hotel Wake Up Call—Not So Dreaded Anymore

How nice would it be if you were on away from home on a business trip and still be woken up by the sweet sound of your spouse’s voice? Or, better yet, the chipper voice of your 2-year-old happily announcing: “Wake up. It’s a sunny day today.” (That’s my toddler daughter’s greeting to me everyday–even when it’s raining out.) Be gone pre-recorded-robot-sounding hotel wake up call—it’s time for “Wake Up To Loved Ones.” This week Hyatt Hotels announced its new plan to make staying at their properties a bit more personal for its more than 500,000 Gold Passport members. The … Continue reading