10 Tips Regarding Inspections

Your house is on the market. Here are 10 Tips to take note of before, or during, an inspection. 1. Before inspections put flesh flowers in vases on tables. Cook fresh bread or something else that gives a homely smell to the place, or the smell of fresh coffee brewing is good. Pot pourri or a scented candle is also a good idea. 2. Bathrooms in particular need to be immaculate and sweet smelling. The same applies to laundries, with dirty clothes ticked away out of sight. 3. Closets, kitchen cupboards and pantry need to be tidy. Prospective buyers will … Continue reading

How Walking Can Benefit Your Marriage.

Walking can be good for your marriage. How? Here are four ways it can be of benefit to your marriage. 1. Walk with your spouse Walking together with your spouse can be a great time to talk things over, to simply enjoy being together, to discuss problems, talk about the kids. Mick and I do a lot of talking while we are out walking which is something we try and do most days. Yes Mick is retired these days which gives us more options regarding walking time, but even when he was working we would walk together sometimes before but … Continue reading