Walking Moms: Are You at Risk?

Sure, I write about safety with your children all of the time. But, hey, it’s not all about our kids! We need to be safe, too. It’s a widely known fact: walking is incredible exercise. It’s easy on your joints, works your muscles, and is even good for your brain! It decreases your risk for possible future health problems when done on a regular basis. It can help to clear your mind, especially when you don’t have your kids with you. It’s a great stress reliever, great alone time for you, and a wonderfully healthy habit. However, (yes, there is … Continue reading

Street Smarts Safety

Going for walks with your baby or child can be fun. Not only is it great exercise for both of you, but your child will also love the scenery while discovering new things. Something as simple as a flower, insect, or street sign can be incredibly interesting for your child! Use this time not just to relax, but also to educate your child. This is a wonderful opportunity to teach them about staying safe on the street. They might be having so much fun, they won’t even realize all of the great safety tips you are teaching them! Here are … Continue reading