Walmart’s Coupon Policy

The first place I go when want to find coupons is The majority of coupons found on their website can be used an any store. That being said, I have seen a few coupons from that can only be redeemed if you shop at Walmart. Wondering what Walmart’s coupon policy is? Here are some details you need to know about it. All Coupons * It must have a valid expiration date. * It must have a scannable bar code. * Coupons must have “Manufacturers Coupon” printed on them. * The coupon must have a valid remit address for … Continue reading

Coupons for Gerber Graduates, L’Oreal, Axe, and More!

Eventually, you are going to have to go grocery shopping. Right now, all the stores, including the grocery stores, are more chaotic than usual. This happens every December. There are just more people out shopping than usual! Even so, you can still use some coupons from to save money on the things you need. I get email from This time, the email has a picture of an animated snow globe with a little winter village inside it. Snow falls down. The clever saying next to the image this time reads: “Shake Things Up with new offers + more … Continue reading

Store Loyalty Can Get You Into Trouble

While being loyal to a store can have its benefits, such as knowing where merchandise is located, when it will be marked down and even earning special rewards, being too loyal can actually backfire, here is why. Did you know that this year, Walmart actually raised prices on its hot toys? That is right, many of the year’s hottest toys cost more than last year and more than they cost at other stores. Despite this, sales for toys are Walmart were through the roof. Even though consumers may have been able to get some of these toys elsewhere for better … Continue reading

Prada Taste on a Wal-Mart Budget

Well-fitting, trendy clothes can really make you feel great about yourself. While most of the time, as a mom who works at home, I wear the more practical uniform of jeans and a comfortable top, I do like the ability to dress up in more stylish clothes now and then. But how can you keep up with trends and dressing in style when clothes can be so expensive. If you don’t want to compromise your taste but you can’t compromise your budget, read the following post. There may just be some great advice here that you can use. Get the … Continue reading

Coupons for Online Savings

Shopping online can not only be convenient, but also very frugal. Online prices of even traditional stores can be lower than most retail outfits. Wal-mart, for instance, often has items online for less than at their stores. And if you don’t want to bother with shipping, you can order them online and then visit the store to pick them up at no additional cost. is a great place for books, toys and more, and they often have plenty of deals going on. Target, Macy’s, and more, there are so many options to shop online. One of the best things … Continue reading

Is Shopping at Wal-Mart Frugal?

Wal-Mart has the image of being a store where there are “always low prices,” but is it really frugal to shop there? In general, I have to say no. Here are my reasons and how you can get around a Wal-Mart policy that could cost you an extra 25 percent. Low Prices When They Want Sure, Wal-Mart does advertise some low prices on hot items. But you need to shop smart. There are two things that can go wrong. The first is the fact Wal-mart may be misleading when it comes to these hot prices. They may only be available … Continue reading

Free Access to iTunes May Be Coming Your Way

According to the Financial Times, Apple is considering a plan that would give its customers free access to the entire iTunes library as long as they are willing to pay a premium on the purchase of their new iPhone or iPod device. While rumors have been going around the Internet for years regarding a decision by Apple to make its iTunes service completely free, this is the first time that there is any credence to the consideration. The plan would certainly be a bold move. Giving away songs on iTunes could anger some artists as well as creating a nightmare … Continue reading

Computing Week in Review: December 31st Through January 6th

Birthday parties, babies and flat screen televisions. This past week has seen quite a variety of articles in the world of technology. And, if you want to get started on the next big holiday, check out the new blinkies. December 31st Computing Week in Review: December 17th Through December 30th Are you enjoying all of your new electronics and technology toys you may have received during the holidays? Perhaps you finally snagged that Wii or an HGTV? Now that the holidays are nearing a close, why not resolve to give your computer a little attention. Look for a future blog … Continue reading

Wal-mart MP3 Player Comes with Free Porn

Imagine giving your 10-year-old daughter a MP3 video player for Christmas only to find out that it was preloaded with video porn and explicit songs? That is just what happened to one family, according to the Associated Press (AP), who are reporting the story from Cookeville, Tennessee. According to the news report, Daryl Hill purchased an MP3 Player at a Walmart in Sparta, TN, as a gift for his young daughter. In fact, he purchased three of the players for his children. One of the devices was chock full of pornography that had his daughter in tears. “I wish I … Continue reading

Wal-mart Secret In-Store Specials for Tomorrow, December 7th

If you have been following along with the Deals blogs about Wal-mart, you know that the store has been launching secret in-store specials this holiday season. They generally come son Fridays, with a preview the Thursday before, but they are not available every Friday. These deals seem to come and go. With the secret in-store specials, the items are only available while supplies last, and you are only entitled to one of any type of item per sale. There are no rain checks issued for the items, so if you are really interested in anything on the list, get to … Continue reading