Remind Yourself You Have Everything You Need

It can be easy to get consumed with what is lacking in a single parent’s life—after all, we are often trying to scrape together money and resources and spread ourselves thin to meet the obligations and requirements of life. We may also feel like we are constantly explaining that we cannot afford something, or feel as though we are putting things on hold due to lack of resources. I think this is why it can be so important to remind ourselves that we really do have everything we need. We are doing fine and all of our requirements are being … Continue reading

It is Okay to Admit You have Needs

There is a difference between having needs and being needy–and even if there wasn’t–some of us single parents are in a place where it may be time for us to realize that it is perfectly okay to have needs and it is also okay to be occasionally needy. Who says we have to be strong and stoic all the time or even that having needs means that we are NOT strong and independent? Think of it this way–some very basic things are actually needs: We need food, shelter, health care, etc. We also need things like love, friendship, loving relationships, … Continue reading

Meeting Needs Doesn’t Mean Giving In to Every Want

We live in a confusing time—with so much commercialism and competition and sheer “stuff”—in can get confusing in a family just exactly what we parents are obligated to provide and what is extra. It doesn’t help that we’re getting pressure and influences from all sides (not just from our kids) and it can be a little challenging to differentiate between what are the basic needs that we must provide for our children and what are those extra “wants.” Some things are really obvious, as in we are not obligated to provide i-pods and vacations to Disneyland. But some can be … Continue reading