Staying Warm (and Why It’s Important!)

Winter “officially” starts on December 21st for the Northern Hemisphere… but it’s cold right now here in the Pacific Northwest. With the economy the way it is at the moment, it might be tempting to try to keep energy bills lower by keeping the house cooler than you might normally like it. Here are some tips to help you keep warm if you’ve got the thermostat set low. Number one: Check doors for drafts. If you can see daylight around your door, then the cold air can get in. Think about weather stripping or a draft stopper to help keep … Continue reading

Finding a Mix between Warmth and Firmness

We talk a lot about limits and boundaries here in the Parents blog, as well as maintaining consistency, but I do believe that the best of parents have a great mix of warmth and tenderness AND firmness. And, I do think it is possible to be both with our children. Believe it or not, I do think we can be warm and loving at the very moments we are setting very firm boundaries and clear expectations. We do not have to be mean or overly stern in order to get our children to understand that we mean business. Of course, … Continue reading

Warmth and Security of Home

Do you remember that old television prompt: “It’s 10 p.m. Do you know where your children are?” It was a public service announcement before we even ever heard of public service announcements. It was a way of reminding parents that it was late and their children should be home. I have been thinking about this lately, how home is a place of security and family and warmth. But I wonder if we are traveling away from that with our current homes. There is a reason that there is something magical about a seeing the warm glow of lights through a … Continue reading

Affordable Warmth

Those chilly evenings can tempt homeowners to turn up the thermostat just a skosh. Yet, the difference between just a few degrees can mean a much heftier heating bill. If you don’t have natural gas heat, refilling the propane tank sooner may be the result(which translates into a higher bill as well). Heating the entire home via electricity can also be expensive. There are some things you can do instead. Try adding an extra layer of warm clothing (hoodie, robe, slippers, etc). Grab a blanket or even an electric throw. There are also some nice options in blanket wraps. They … Continue reading

Caring for Candles

Do you know all of the little tricks of the trade to care for your candles? With these tips, you can stop your candles from smoking, help them burn evenly to last longer and keep yourself and your family safe. read on for these tips on caring for your candles. One of the first things I did as a new homeowner was to fill my space with pretty scented candles. I loved to light the different scents and evoke different moods. Of course, I love the Yankee candles. I remember when I first came across them, while I was living … Continue reading