Introducing Frugal Laundry!

Laundry is one of those things that we just have to do in life. There is something about laundry that inspires me. Not, I’m not completely nuts, but I do actually enjoy doing the laundry. I just love clean clothes. There is also something about the feel of fresh clean clothes and linens, and the mindless organization of folding and ironing, that gives me time to think creatively. Some of that creative thinking, of course, tends to focus on how we can save money while doing the laundry. So, I was really excited when we added a new category called … Continue reading

Cleaning Outdoor Furniture

Five days and counting until our big “Memorial Day Weekend Backyard Blowout.” (Translation: a few friends and family members eating dinner in our backyard.) That means I have five days to get the food, drinks and decorations together, then tackle the project I dread: cleaning the outdoor furniture. I don’t really dread it. It’s just a matter of timing it so that Mother Nature cooperates with my cleaning efforts. The actual cleaning process itself is simple. I only use three ingredients: warm water, washing soda, and dishwasher detergent. I have found that these three ingredients can clean just about any … Continue reading

How To Clean Stuffed Animals (A Lesson Learned The Hard Way)

It was about 7:45 p.m., I had just given my toddler daughter her bath, put her pajamas on and placed her into her crib next to her favorite stuffed friends. I kissed her goodnight said, “I love you” and turned to dim the lights. At that exact moment I heard a wretched gagging noise. I immediately spun around to see my little girl sitting in a sea of vomit. UGH! Long story short, she got another bath, fresh pajamas and is recovering on the couch with Elmo. Elmo luckily wasn’t in the crib when she was throwing up chicken and … Continue reading