Learning to Snuba

My almost 3-year-old daughter loves fish. I’ve taken her to various world-class aquariums, but we always leave with her asking for more. One person recently recommended I take her snorkeling. Yeah, right, this is a kid who screams if a single piece of her hair gets wet in the bathtub and you want me to submerge her entire face in water and ask her to breathe out of a tube while she’s at it? I’d have better luck trying to getting Don Imus his job back. The fact is I would love to have my daughter don a mask, snorkel, … Continue reading

Boat Races

Boat races are a fun way to enjoy the water without getting wet, unless you jump in to save your boat of course. Find a small stream and place your boats in the stream at the same time. Then watch to see whose boat wins the race. You can also run water in a gutter and have a gutter boat race. Only do this is there are no water restrictions in your area. Another type of race can be done in a children’s wading pool or other swimming pool. Plastic boats do not work well for this type of race. … Continue reading