Planning a Wedding- Part 3

Part 3 of wedding planning is here Wedding Dress If you are getting it made you will need to have it organized early. Some dressmakers and companies will tell you 7 months are not long enough so a lot depends on how long the engagement is. Or you might decide to buy one ready made. I did this when I married. I saw a dress I loved that was a bit different. I tried it on. It needed only minor alterations. It wasn’t expensive. I lay-byed it – the first dress I tried on. A friend hired her wedding dress. … Continue reading

Wedding Invitation and Envelope Alternatives

Okay, making your own wedding invitations may sound like a challenging task, but it’s not as difficult as you might think. If you know how to use a computer reasonably well, you can do it. If you have a desktop publishing program, that’s even better, because it will give you step by step instructions. If not, you can make invitations with a word processing program as well. Start by finding some pretty card stock at a good price. There are plenty of places to purchase card stock reasonably, including local stores like Wal-Mart. Choose a fairly heavy weight to make … Continue reading

Join this man and this woman …

That is how the traditional ceremony is intoned: We gather together here to join this man and this woman in the bonds of holy matrimony… So how do you plan a wedding where you can truly join with the couple as they celebrate binding their lives together? Let’s plan a theme wedding that involves celebrating the couple and how their guests can do that. Invitations For starters, the invitations can be printed up from a computer. Choose a picture of the couple together or two pictures of each of them. The invitation may offer a small tale about how they … Continue reading