Are Dates Lucky in Love?

Last year, Libby wrote a great blog related to the date of June 6, 2006 and how many people were worried about the numerology of the date. So this year, it should hardly be surprising that a new number is making the rounds, but this time in the sense of how lucky is the date going to be for lovers planning their wedded bliss. July 7, 2007 Rolling three sevens on a slot machine is a sure way to win the jackpot and apparently, the most popular day for wedding planners this year is 7/7/07. Checking out local venues from … Continue reading

The Christmas Wedding

While May and June remain ever popular for wedding ceremonies, holidays are also a great time for weddings. Among the popular holidays for wedding ceremonies is Christmas. Christmas is a magical time for many associated with the brightly colored decorations, gift-giving and for Christians around the world, the day Christ was born. What better time to celebrate the union of two families? If you want to host a Christmas wedding, here are some ideas for how to really personalize the Christmas wedding experience. We’ll talk about some ideas for bridesmaids’ outfits, ceremony decorations, reception area decorating and more. Bridesmaids When … Continue reading

Different Weddings for Different People

What is your ideal wedding? It may or may not have been the wedding you had for yourself. In fact, a lot of us can imagine what the perfect wedding would be and it’s usually based on our own personal experiences. Some weddings are solemn. Some weddings are musical. Some weddings are filled with personal interactions, anecdotes and more. What is great about wedding is that you can do so much with your wedding plans. You can have a traditional, religious ceremony; you can have a small wedding, you can have a large wedding – you can get married on … Continue reading