An Old Believers Wedding

Yesterday, Today reported about a little town in Alaska called Nikolaevsk that hasn’t changed its ways very much since 1650. Actually, the town wasn’t founded then. It was founded by six families in 1968. But the people who founded it have kept their ways since their split with the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century. Coming to America That’s how they ended up in Alaska. When reformers changed the religion, some resisted and stuck to the old ways. They became known as Old Believers. But they faced persecution for keeping their beliefs and lifestyle and found themselves in search … Continue reading

Ways Couple Unite as One at a Wedding

Weddings are very special events for couples. During a wedding, a couple unites as one before God, family, and friends. During the ceremony, the couple may choose to show their love and unite in many different ways. Below I have listed some of the most common traditions that couples use to unite together as one. Promise of Vows It is American tradition for a couple to exchange vows at a wedding. The couple may choose to write their own vows or to use the traditional vows. Exchange of Rings Each partner in the couple purchases a ring for the other. … Continue reading

Wedding Traditions, Symbolism & Superstition

Weddings are fun. Or they should be. We’ve talked about wedding superstitions before, but did you know that many parts of the actual ceremony and the set up are directly related to historical ideals and superstitions? For example, did you know: Traditionally, a groom would kidnap his bride and hold her with his left arm? This would keep his right arm and sword arm free to battle other suitors. Today, modern brides walk down the aisle to join their groom, but they still stand on the groom’s left Marriages and weddings were a diplomatic means of ending strife between two … Continue reading

Betrothal and Wedding Customs at the Time of Christ

When I read the story of Mary and how she was expecting to bear Jesus, while she was betrothed to Joseph, I am always interested in the customs of the day. Here is an overview of the betrothal and wedding customs at the time Jesus was born. Stage 1- Betrothal Betrothal was what we would consider an “engagement” today. The first stage of the betrothal was finding a suitable spouse for the bride or bridegroom. In the ancient Near Eastern culture, this was most often initiated by the families of the bride and groom. Though a young man could make … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review – Jan 6 – Jan 12

Welcome to the weekend and here is hoping it’s a restful one for you and your family. For many of us, it’s a three-day weekend and those always hold a bit of special appeal. So while your weekend is just getting started, let’s close the books on the last week and the articles we’ve been packing in to bring you the best information we can. We’ve tackled issues from wedding planning to sympathy pains to answering questions about sex and much, much more. So here it is, the Marriage Blog week in review: Saturday, January 6 Sympathy Pains: Fact or … Continue reading

Planning a Wedding? Make Your Own Luck

Our greater population and the habits of the American people encourage frequent migration. Many of us do not live in the same city where we were born. So it’s far more likely that the bride and groom come from far different neighborhoods, cities and even states. Chances are their parents didn’t meet for the first time until after they became engaged. Of course, there are exceptions to everything and I know plenty of couples who’ve known each other since childhood and my husband and I grew up in the same area – but it’s so urban that while we knew … Continue reading