Men Don’t See

Sometimes I hear women complain about their men. A common complaint is that men don’t see things that need to be done around the house. They don’t see washing up that needs to be done, the laundry that needs to be hung out, or the floor that needs to be mopped. Of course, as women we can become so independent that we refuse to ask for help and mutter to ourselves while doing the job about how our men never see these things that need doing. A lot too, depends on the way we respond when men do decide to … Continue reading

Embracing the “Other Woman”

Over the course of my almost 20 years of marriage, I have come a long way in some areas. While there are of course many areas that still need work, there is one particular place that I have been victorious over and would like to encourage other women about. It is sometimes a joke in movies and television shows…the wife complains about her husband’s interests in sports. Whether it’s a sport he plays in or watches on TV, she finds herself feeling like she is competing for his attention. She can’t understand the obsession with a club, or men running … Continue reading

Should a Wedding Be a Reason to Lose Weight?

The wedding season is just around the corner and I have been hearing stories about bride-to-be’s attempting to lose weight in order to “fit” into their wedding dress. It got me thinking…should a wedding be a reason to lose weight? I don’t really think so. I know this goes against the normal way of doing American weddings but think about why this isn’t a good idea. First of all, it makes no sense to buy a dress you can’t fit into, in the hopes that you will eventually be able to. If you met your soon-to-be husband the way you … Continue reading

What Do You Bicker About?

Is there a difference between fighting and bickering? I really think there is. I equate fighting to be dealing with “big” issues. You know, things like raising the children, how money is spent and so forth. But I equate bickering with the “little” stuff, such as leaving the cap off the toothpaste or who gets to drive. Fighting means you have some serious issues to deal with. This requires a lot more work, perhaps even some counseling to get through it. These are issues that took time to build up and will take time to solve. However with bickering, you … Continue reading

Banning Interracial Marriages?

Have you read or heard about the disturbing poll that took place in Mississippi? Apparently 46% of Mississippi Republicans would support banning interracial marriages. I was absolutely shocked by this. There were also only 40% who believe it should be legal. Should this surprise me? Maybe it shouldn’t but it does. First of all, I guess I thought we had come much further than this. I’m not so naïve to believe that racism has been completely eradicated but I did think we were further along than this. Second of all, we live in such a mixed society. America is made … Continue reading

Feeling Disconnected

Most marriages will go through a time where you feel disconnected from one another. Sometimes this lasts a couple of days but in some cases it can last several weeks or even months. The feeling of disconnection is an awful one. Throughout our married years we have gone through different spurts where this has happened. It leaves you with a sick feeling in your stomach and the worry that you won’t make it through that time. I think it helps to know that most marriages do experience this at one time or another. Last week was one of those times … Continue reading

The Right Attitude

Sometimes the best laid plans have to be put aside because of consideration for the other person or the circumstances or both. Recently Mick and I had big plans for an outing with our daughter and her husband and young child. In the end it came down to putting the needs of others above selfish desires. Given the conditions which saw rain bucketing down all day to go out and be paddling, or should that be puddling, around in the rain was not a viable option, especially when four out of the five of us had recently been sick. Common … Continue reading

Waffles and Spaghetti

Whenever I think about the differences between men and women, I think of waffles and spaghetti. Why? Because of a class I attended several years ago that has always stuck with me. This class was based on a book called “Men Are Like Waffles—Women Are Like Spaghetti.” I have never actually read the book but the concepts taught in this class were life-changing for me. Men are like waffles because they put things into boxes. There is a separate box for every area of their lives. Think of a waffle and picture all those little squares. Men compartmentalize things. Work … Continue reading

In Sickness and in Health

I have really been thinking about a blog that Michele Cheplic wrote a week ago, “Adding Insult to Injury.” It’s a sad story about a woman who gave birth to triplets but due to a medical error, suffered brain damage. She ended up being paralyzed and unable to speak or see. The “insult” that has been added to her injury is that her husband divorced her shortly after she gave birth to the children and was now refusing to allow the children to visit her. All I could think about was, “What ever happened to marriage vows?” Whatever happened to … Continue reading

Dating Your Spouse

Most of us can remember the very first date we had with our husband. I know I do. I will never forget my “Bangladesh” pants that I wore. At least that’s what my husband used to call them. I had these big, red-framed glasses and big hair (remember the perm?) Well, I guess for that time period I looked kind of cute. We went to see Willy Porter play at a bar/restaurant. Afterwards we walked around the East side of Milwaukee and eventually had our first kiss. From that point on, we couldn’t wait for the next date. Why? Because … Continue reading