The Pets Blog Week in Review for July 21-27

What did Aimee and I write about during the last full week of July? In case you’re wondering because summer vacation plans kept you away from the computer, here’s the Week in Review recap. Monday, July 21 Just how much does your pet influence your lifestyle? Do you even know? Or are you well aware of their impact? Because of Aimee’s experiences with her own dogs, she learned about inflammatory bowel disease in pets and passed her knowledge on to us. Tuesday, July 22 I explained why I am absolutely loving “The Greatest American Dog!” Apparently Aimee’s become the crazy … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review for July 21-27

Perhaps you were too occupied with summertime fun to do much web surfing last week. If so, here’s your Week in Review, which details all the articles Lyn and I covered while you were busy having fun. Monday, July 21 I pondered the curious case of sister-wives. (Also sometimes known as plural wives.) Tuesday, July 22 Did he forget to do the dishes? If so, Lyn suggests giving him a break and urges you to remember he is only human after all. I wrote about the older couple at church who caught Wayne and I’s eye. A marriage with benefits … Continue reading

The Pets Blog Week in Review for July 14-20

With summer’s pleasures beckoning, you may not have a lot of time to keep up on the Pets Blog these days. That’s okay. Here’s your handy Week in Review to quickly break down what Aimee and I wrote on: Monday, July 14 Aimee examined the issue of canine office etiquette when you bring your dog to work. I put on my dancing shoes and interviewed Beth Terrell about her dancing puppy, Luca. Tuesday, July 15 In an article that ruffled my feathers, Aimee explained how her dog is better than most humans. (Aimee didn’t ruffle me, but what she wrote … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review for July 7-13

Poor Lyn has been quite the champ while I’ve been away. She took over covering Week in Reviews every week, instead of every other. (Thanks again, Lyn!) But now I’m back to resume my share of the duties. (Albeit I’m a wee bit off schedule this week.) At any rate, here’s a recap of what Lyn, Heather, and I wrote about on: Monday, July 7 Lyn shared more about relating to your man and the importance of it. She also examined issues of compatibility. Tuesday, July 8 Lyn wondered if verbal affairs were just as detrimental as physical ones. Lyn … Continue reading

The Pets Blog Week in Review for July 7 – 13

The Pets Blog Week in Review endured somewhat of a hiatus the past month or so, but now it’s back. Have you missed this handy cheat sheet way of quickly finding out what Aimee and I wrote about the week before? Sorry about that, but without further ado here’s this week’s installment. Monday, July 7 Aimee detailed the many medications guests at the cat care facility where she works take. Tuesday, July 8 Aimee got in touch with her crafty side and offered some neat suggestions for DIY chew toy projects. After an absence of my own, it was with … Continue reading

Baby Blog Week in Review: June 16th Through June 22nd

June 16th was a very special day for me. That is the day that my first baby was born. And while he is now an active seven-year-old with a younger brother and sister, I still remember the days when it was just the two of use together for most of the day, and I had so much to learn about babies. And now with my youngest still a baby, I find that there is still a lot to discover. I hope you will spend time with me and this blog, as we find out together. June 16th Baby Blog Week … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review for May 26 – June 1

For most, last week was short because of the Memorial Day weekend. In case cookouts and pool parties kept you away from the Marriage Blog, use this handy Week in Review to catch yourself up on what Lyn, Heather, and I wrote about last week. Wednesday, May 28 Lyn wrote about the company that specializes in maternity wedding dresses. (Apparently it’s a growing trend and this company has found its niche. Wild!) Lyn wrote about a woman’s research of couples choosing not to have children which became known as the “childless by choice project”. (And which also spawned a book.) … Continue reading

The Pets Blog Week in Review for May 26 – June 1

I goofed and missed last week’s Week in Review. Rather than catching you up on two week’s worth of articles, I’ll just start anew with what Aimee and I wrote last week. Enjoy! Monday, May 26 Aimee educated us about the Bichon Frise breed. Tuesday, May 27 In a Diary of a Cat Care B&B entry, Aimee mused about smelly cats. (It was very educational. Who knew there were so many kinds of bad cat odors? And causes of them too!) Wednesday, May 28 I wrote about the incredible video of a baby water buffalo surviving a lion and crocodile … Continue reading

Scrapbooking Week in Review for May 26 – June 1, 2008

Summer has finally arrived. The humidity level in the Midwest has made it difficult to enjoy being outdoors during the main daylight hours, so I have tried to play catch up on some scrapbooking. We have also had plenty of events lately that have called for some handmade cards so I have been busy churning those out as well. I will be sharing the How To directions for those in the upcoming week. In the meantime, catch up on some reading in case you missed these in the Scrapbooking Blog this week. How Do I Find Time To Scrapbook? School’s … Continue reading

Fitness Week in Review for Week Ending May 31

Love these end of the week reviews where we can see what articles we talked about this week and catch you up on articles you may have missed. Is May really over? Can you imagine it? Let’s take a good look at what we did this week. Focus on the Olympics Our Focus on the Olympics series continued with looks at Ian Crocker, Eric Vendt, Jessica Hardy, Kate Ziegler, Brendan Hansen, Larsen Jensen, Margaret Hoelzer, Aaron Perisol, Jason Lezak, Ryan Lochte and Chip Peterson. If you haven’t had a chance to check out these athletes, they are definitely worth reading … Continue reading