Why You Need to Take Time for You

There are generally two schools of thought when it comes to the idea of “me” time. You either believe you are deserving of it or you feel guilty if you take it. I used to play the martyr game. If I took time for me, I would lament how everything around me was going to fall apart. So others couldn’t really win with me. But the reality is that we really do need to take time for ourselves. When you think of taking time for yourself, fitness might not exactly be the first thing you think of. But fitness is … Continue reading

Fitness for the Beginner

Since its Spring I have to assume that there will be some beginners out there. You may have spent the entire winter season indoors, enjoying your couch and decided to wait until the warmer weather to begin a fitness routine. If you are a beginner the most important thing you should know is to start slow. While the idea of jumping into a fitness plan head-on might sound like the best way to go, it really isn’t. You will get quickly discouraged and lose the motivation to keep going. If you have never exercised before, do not start off by … Continue reading

Rocco Dispirito’s Book: “Now Eat This! Diet”

Last week on “The View” they had a special segment with the author, Rocco Dispirito, of “Now Eat This! Diet” where he claims you can lose 10 pounds in just two weeks. Rocco says that when you eat more food, your metabolism works at a higher rate and you burn calories faster. However if you starve yourself and you binge after, your body processes those calories as fat. He says there is scientific and medical evidence that shows if you eat more, you lose weight faster. In his diet you eat six times a day, every two-and-a-half hours. On the … Continue reading

Fitness Myths

While it’s great to hear ideas and tips on fitness, I think it’s also important we debunk fitness myths. Otherwise you are left chasing a rabbit trail. One myth that has caused some to shirk the idea of weight lifting is that you will end up looking “bulky.” The real key to increasing your muscle size has to do with testosterone. That’s why when you see some of those “bulked-up” lady weight lifters; you can know they didn’t get that way just by lifting weights. Believe me, they had a little help and it requires being injected. Weight training is … Continue reading

Do Interactive Fitness Video Games Really Work?

When I first started using Wii Fit Plus, my oldest son asked if “that thing” really works. He thought it was kind of funny and not a true way to get healthy. I was convinced only because a good friend of mine had lost weight using it (along with changing her eating habits). Since I have been using it for several months now, I can definitely say that it works. How else do you explain the weight loss and inches I have taken off…or the increased energy and flexibility I have? I have been using it during the winter months … Continue reading

Thinking Ahead to Spring

This week the temperature here in Wisconsin is supposed to hit near 60 degrees. Since there are still remnants of snow scattered throughout my city, this is more than just good news. This is great news and a sure sign that spring is just around the corner. So now I am thinking ahead to a fit spring. How can I make the most of the upcoming season and the warmer days ahead? While it has been cold I have been using my Wii Fit and treadmill. But I am definitely looking forward to getting outdoors and implementing additional types of … Continue reading

Top 10 Fitness Tips

So you are on your way to a fit lifestyle, so how about some fitness tips to keep you moving? Here are top 10 fitness tips that will give you a better chance at succeeding. Tip number one is to make sure you are drinking plenty of water. Water is something we should be implementing into our exercise routine. Drinking water before, during and after a workout will help keep you hydrated. Tip number two is to change up your routine. If you don’t put some variety into your fitness routine you will find yourself becoming bored and possibly unmotivated. … Continue reading

A Fit Lifestyle Takes Time

I am now two months into my new fit lifestyle, which has included making changes to my diet and implementing a regular exercise routine. While I have lost weight (and inches) it has been slow going. This is the point where it can become discouraging. The other day there was a radio ad about the weight loss product Sensa, a product that I certainly would never try. After all, it supposedly helps you lose weight but you don’t have to change your eating habits or even exercise. That scares me. But I have to admit it tickled my ears to … Continue reading

What Would You Do to Be Skinny?

What would you do to be skinny? Well according to a survey done by Fitness magazine, 51% of the 2,400 women asked would give up sex for an entire year in exchange for being skinny. So is this an indication of a true lack of interest in sex or does it go deeper than that? Could it really be that women value a skinny body so much so that they would give up intimacy with another? Sadly, many women equate happiness with weight loss. “If only I could lose this extra weight, then I would be happy.” Yet time and … Continue reading

How Much Do I Eat and When?

Part of a fitness plan is incorporating a healthy diet which includes fruits and vegetables. We know that cutting out sugars and fat should also be part of our eating plan but there is some confusion as to how much to eat and when. Some people stick by the three meals a day plan. I don’t know about you but that doesn’t work for me. First of all, three meals a day might mean eating around 8 a.m., 12 p.m. and then not again until 6 p.m. If you think about it, that’s a lot of time in between to … Continue reading