What Do People Expect from Counseling? (2)

“You should have some counseling to deal with your anxiety.” “Why don’t you see a counselor, you’re going to lose your job if you don’t pull yourself together!” “I think you have a problem with your mother, how about you go see a counselor!” These are typical phrases bandied about to people who are experiencing ongoing emotional difficulties. It’s interesting to ask people what they expect will happen when they attend counseling. Most reply: “Well, I’m got this problem and the therapist is going to fix it.” Wrong! Having counseling is not like going to the doctors and being handed … Continue reading

What Do People Expect from Counseling? (1)

When problems arise in life and a person is clearly suffering from the effects of a crisis or a long-term problem, it is often common to hear the phrase: “You should go and have some counseling.” But what exactly happens during the counseling process? How does a person “get better”? And what are the respective roles and responsibility of the therapist and client? Having therapy is different to anything you will have experienced before. It is not the same as talking over your problems with your Mom or your best friend. Both of these resources are excellent first ports of … Continue reading