Dental Horror Story: The Wisdom in Teeth

Wow, I can’t believe that it’s September already. Part of my disbelief stems from the 12 week plus long odyssey of pain that I went on this summer. As you may remember, a few months ago my face started hurting. I went to see a doctor who thought it might be TMJ. He sent me to the dentist who thought I’d just pulled my face during a migraine. He gave me some muscle relaxers and sent me off. Two weeks later I went back to the dentist because not only was the pain back – it was worse than before. … Continue reading

Substitute Teacher’s Corner: What To Bring With You

Welcome back to the substitute teacher’s corner! As we talked about before, when you get the call, you need to be ready to go. When I get the call to fill in and substitute, I keep a ready bag that I can just grab on my way out the door. So let’s talk about what’s in the ‘ready’ bag. The Ready Bag I like to keep a couple of picture books for the lower grades, usually something that fits the season. For example, if I’m going to be teaching a kindergarten class in October, I might have The Halloween Kittens … Continue reading

Substitute Teacher’s Corner: What’s This All About?

Hello there! My name is Heather Long and I’m the managing editor here at, you may be more familiar with my name showing up in fitness and marriage, but Karri’s graciously allowed me to come and play over here in Education. First and foremost, let me tell you a little about myself. I’m a substitute teacher for the school district we live in. Primarily I work with the elementary schools, but I’m sure sooner or later I’ll make the kick up to the higher grades. Currently, I just like the little ones better (it helps that my own is … Continue reading

Tips to Lure Your Mate

I can hardly believe that I am writing this particular blog, but the information is the kind that you either read in a teen magazine designed to teach girls how to set their caps for boys or on a single’s site where you might look for key tips on catching a mate. With that in mind, I wanted to take a more romantic look at the basic biology and chemistry that exists between two people. The Body Language of Seduction According to anthropologist David Givens in his new book Love Signals, we must lure our mates because they are a … Continue reading

Valentines Night for the Single Parent

I went through the day and what it would consist of for my son and I. I told you all about how I make it his day and about him. What should you do now that your children are in bed? Now that you’ve spent the day with the one(s) you love, it’s time to spend it with the one you didn’t. Yourself. There are so many people I could quote about loving yourself, but I won’t, because I’m sure you’ve heard them all. That doesn’t mean, however, that it isn’t true. You need to love yourself. You need to … Continue reading

Warm Ups & Cool Downs – What You Need to Know

Warming up is what we do before exercising. Cooling down is what we do afterwards. You need to be sure you understand not only why we warm up and cool down, but right things to do and the things that you definitely don’t. Do: Give yourself at least 5 to 10 minutes to warm up before beginning a work out Practice full range of motion for your joints during warm up Start out slow and easy, remember it is called warming up for a reason Be sure to give yourself 3 to 6 minutes to cool down after a work … Continue reading

Crib Climber?

At the age of 18 months, my daughter decided she didn’t want to be in bed anymore when we put her down in her crib. She’d learned to hoist herself up and come over the crib rail and shimmy down the side. She’d then go and pull open her bedroom door and holler down the stairs for us. Luckily, we kept a gate at the top of the stairs so that she couldn’t just mosey her way down or worse – fall down the stairs. How Did She Do It? She had a lot of stuffed animals in her crib … Continue reading

Sunday Fitness Advice

Question: I want to work out daily, but there’s not enough hours in the day. Does it matter if I take the ten minutes I walk the kids to school in the morning and put it together with the ten minutes I walk to pick them up and bring them home? Answer: Absolutely. You can do your workout incrementally. 30 minutes of activity daily is a good plan, but if you need to do 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes in the afternoon and 10 minutes in the evening, it all adds up. You just need to walk briskly … Continue reading