Easter Candy Meltdown

It is that time of the year again and temptations are high if you have a sweet tooth. Getting your kids Easter baskets ready is just plain fun. There are all those little candies in pastel wrappers. You just have to try some of them out. STOP RIGHT THERE!! One little piece of candy equals about 50 calories. Who can eat just one anyway? Before you know it you have eaten two, three, maybe even four. Who is counting after that? You figure that you have eaten so many now why bother to stop. Your diet is sabotaged for this … Continue reading

What Do You Need?

In these days of economic recession, it’s time for us to take stock and think about what we really need. The other day I saw some T-shirts advertised cheap. When I went in they were sold out but they did have lots of lovely blouses at reduced prices. ‘Why don’t you buy one?’ my husband said when he saw me looking at them. ‘Because I don’t need them.’ I needed a cheap T-shirt to wear to tennis. I didn’t need pretty blouses to wear out, though I have to admit it was tempting. It’s so easy to get caught up … Continue reading

Do You Want to Know What God Hates?

Do you want to know what God hates? The bible tells us. Here are some things mentioned. God hates: Unjust scales Proverbs 11: 1, 20:23. God doesn’t want to see people cheated. That’s good for us to remember at tax time and in our dealings with others. I think it also applies not just financially but to cheating others in what we give to a relationship. Boasting and those who do iniquity, lies and deceit, violence and bloodshed, Psalm 5:5-6. Divorce, Malachi 2:16. Notice, God does not say he hates the divorced person but divorce. Life long marriage of one … Continue reading

LDS.org Downloadable Goodies

If you’ve been reading my blogs for more than three minutes, you already know that I’m something of a techongeek. I’d like to share another great download spot, in case you have missed it – the church’s website at www.lds.org. I think I’ve mentioned in the past that you can download the scriptures from the church, but that’s just the tip of the iceburg – albeit, a great tip! First, let me show you how to locate this wealth of information. It is amazingly simple. Type in the church’s web address. On the top left side of the page, you’ll … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Release Barabbas

When Pontius told the Jews that he found no fault in Jesus, he sought to release the Savior as a free man. Instead, the angry mob insisted that the murderer, Barabbas, be instead released. When asked what to do with the Lord and Savior, the crowd cried out that He should be crucified. The Jewish people chose a man of the world over a man of God. When Pontius gave them a second chance, they cried out again for the convicted criminal rather than the man free of all sin. They embraced the world rather than the Lord. Repeatedly through … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Signs of Destruction

This week’s lesson talks about signs of the second coming. The apostles ask Jesus about the signs for three events – the destruction of the temple, the Second Coming of Christ, and the end of the world (JS-Matthew 1:4). The Savior provides His answer in the remainder of the chapter. The chapter, incidentally, is the Joseph Smith translation of Matthew 24. I digress because I had an absolutely horrible time finding the chapter, and grew very frustrated – not a good attitude to have just before scripture study. It is not located with the rest of the Joseph Smith translations; … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Cry Day and Night

This week’s lesson is about faith, but it begins with a parable on prayer. The connection between prayer and faith is obvious. If we lack faith, we cannot truly pray. If we do not believe that the Lord is listening, we would not bother talking to Him. When we allow ourselves to question if He hears, or cares, prayers tend to grow less fervent and heart-felt, less sincere and more automated. However, like many gospel things, the two are related; the more we pray, the more our faith increases, and the more faith we have, the more we pray. The … Continue reading

The Names of God–Adonai

Out of all the names of God that we’re going to study, this is the one that goes against the grain in our society and culture. If we’re going to reject one of God’s attributes; one of His names–Adonai is the one that gets overlooked or twisted. Adonai means Lord and Master. Can you say that’s true in your life? Lord and Master In Biblical times, slavery was common and so I’m sure the ideas of servitude, submission and being dependant on a master were easily understood. A slave was not his own person, but was the property of the … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Physical and Spiritual Blindness

As I studied the rest of John 9 tonight, I pondered the wonderful illustration of the faith of the blind man healed by the Savior. This man does not start with a testimony that Jesus is the Savior of mankind, but despite tremendous pressure from those around him – including the weakness of his parents – he insists that Jesus came from God. Because he stood by his developing faith, he was privileged to learn more about the divine nature of Christ. Unlike many who followed the Savior, the blind man in this chapter did not ask to be healed. … Continue reading

Visiting Teaching: Strengthening Your Personal Testimony of Jesus Christ

The visiting teaching message for February urges us to strengthen our personal testimonies of the Savior. As we do so, we can become tools in the hands of our Heavenly Father, acting out His will on this Earth and serving Him as He would have us do. The message first addresses the question of how to strengthen ones testimony. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we should already have a testimony of our Savior. If we do not, it is imperative that we seek to cultivate and develop one. Without a firm, strong testimony, staying … Continue reading