Your Kids Will Become Old Enough to Google Themselves

Everyone wants to keep their children safe online. Even so, many parents cannot resist posting photos and stories about their kids on social media. Be aware that your kids will become old enough to Google themselves. Some children who do this become upset and anxious about what they find.  Decades ago, before the age of the internet, parents shared stores and photos of their kids with family members and close friends. Today, many parents share the same information online. It does not appear that most parents consider how their child would feel about having that information made public. The Atlantic … Continue reading

Advantages of Extended School Days

Would you like your children to attend school for eight hours straight, five days a week? It may sound a bit excessive to some parents. However, there are some school districts that have implemented an extended school day. It turns out that there are several benefits to doing so. Extended school days, which are also called extended learning time, have gained popularity within charter schools. Some charter schools may have a bit more freedom about how long their school day runs than some public schools do. That doesn’t mean it would be impossible for an extended school day to be … Continue reading

Ways You Can Contribute to Scientific Research

Want to do something with your spare time that can help others? Get involved in a “citizen science project”. You don’t need a degree in science (or anything else) in order to participate. Consider contributing to any of the following projects. It has been said that volunteering is good for you. People who volunteer their time and energy to help others experience some benefits themselves. Volunteering is a great way to boost self confidence, to fight depression, and to stay physically healthy. It is also a great way to make new friends. The following science projects need people to help … Continue reading

3 Sales Tricks that Mess with Your Head

Do you think that you are in control of your shopping? You might be surprised. That is because there are a number of sales techniques, from free shipping to coupons that can mess with your head and cause you to spend some serious money without even being aware that it was their idea, not yours. Comparison Sizes Can Trip You Up Let us imagine that your are at the movie theater, standing at the concession counter. You have to make a decision on what size popcorn to purchase out of three sizes, small, medium and jumbo. The medium is probably … Continue reading

Can Sweepstakes Get You Out of Debt?

As you look at your pile of bills, at the roof that needs to be fixed, at the fact that at least one of your children may need braces, do you dream of winning a big dollar sweepstakes that would take care of your problem? For “sweepers,” those who make a hobby, or even a living, out of entering sweepstakes, the dream may not be so far from a reality. Entering sweepstakes can pay off and may even be able to get you out of debt, if you don’t spend more than you win, if you apply the bulk of … Continue reading

Are You Uncomfortable Being Frugal?

Whenever a lot of money is being spent, I tend to be uncomfortable, even if I am not the one doing the spending. Just hearing about lavish consumption kind of creeps me out. I keep wondering about the mortgage on the friend of a friend’s McMansion or how I could apply the cost of someone’s lavish vacation to building up our retirement fund. I don’t know how to react when friends give their toddlers spa days or I am invited to jewelry parties, or when the suggested contribution to the teacher’s or pastor’s gift is three figures (nothing against our … Continue reading

Your Presence is the Best Present

Forget about the fancy triple chocolate cookie pops, the pricey heart covered Build-a-Bear, and the massive red and white mylar balloon bouquet you were planning to gift your child with this Valentine’s Day.  Save your money and present your son or daughter with your presence on February 14th and in the days, weeks and months that follow. While candy, stuffed animals and shiny inflatables typically rank high on a child’s Valentine’s Day gift wish list, most kids would likely trade in the treats for one-on-one time with mom and dad. Life is hard enough for youngsters, so knowing that they … Continue reading

A Baby Will Turn You Into Someone Different Than You’ve Ever Imagined

My youngest sister has her first baby now. And, as a result, I think I have become her go-to person when she is wondering anything about motherhood. From breastfeeding, to “what’s that!”, to “should I worry?” questions, it has brought us a little closer as sisters. We are 8 years apart in age, but now it seems like now that she is a Mom, we have plenty to talk about. I look at her reaction to things and smile now that I have have survived 3 newborns. She texted me the other day to let me know that she had … Continue reading

Five Free Fun Ideas Your Family Probably Isn’t Doing

By now you know how to save money on family fun, but are you really taking advantage of all of the fun family free stuff that is out there? There are plenty of things to do, to see and to learn that can be geared toward the different talents and interests of yourself, your kids and the family as a whole. If your family isn’t doing them, you could be losing out on a lot of free fun. 1. Join free classes and clubs. There are a number of free classes and clubs out there, just waiting for someone to … Continue reading

Cloud Based Accounting Software For Your Home Based Business

      Whether you already own your own business or you are in the planning stage, accounting is something that may be on your mind. Keeping track of the money that flows into and out of your home – based business is important for many reasons, not the least of which is making sure that you (and your bills) get paid. Choosing an accounting system or method does not have to be painful. In fact, small and home – based businesses now have more options than ever for meeting their accounting needs. Some people prefer to keep traditional records … Continue reading