Get Out Of My Face!

My poor baby couldn’t catch a break this morning. We have a morning routine. I hear her stirring (she sleeps with us), roll over to feed her quickly, then pick her up for some pajama snuggles. After we’re all snuggled out, I change her diaper, since it is usually saturated with pee. It’s during diaper changing that I have a prime view up her nose. Yes, I admit it: I’m one of those mothers – the kind that hates boogers in her baby’s nose. I could see a big one, so I got my bulb syringe and got to work. … Continue reading

Did You Have to Get Sick on a Sunday?

Does it ever seem like your child gets sick more often on a Saturday or Sunday than any other day of the week? It has seemed like that at our house lately. Two Saturdays ago, I was sure our daughter had an ear infection, so I made an appointment for her. Luckily, despite the fact that it was Saturday, a pediatrician was available to see her. We entered the nearly empty waiting room, and I questioned whether it was a good idea for us to be there. The only other people in there were a mother and teenage daughter, who … Continue reading

Asthma: Overview

More than twelve million Americans suffer from asthma — including approximately ten percent of children under the age of eighteen. Asthma can occur at any age, but is most common in people under the age of forty. It is very common in people with allergies and those who are exposed to tobacco smoke. In a normal person’s lungs, there are bands of muscle around the airways. These muscles are normally relaxed, allowing air to move freely. In people with asthma, the bands are tight and air moves less freely. The reduced air intake can make a person with asthma feel … Continue reading