How to Decide What to Feed Your Pet

Sometimes standing in the pet food aisle feels like shopping for things like body wash or shaving cream; with so many options how does one ever decide what brand to buy? When it comes to pet food, the decision carries more weight. I might randomly pluck a bottle of soap off the shelf, but I want to put greater thought into what I’m feeding my pet. But all those options can be overwhelming, and I sometimes wonder if they aren’t all the same. The truth is they probably are. My dog had some digestive problems in the winter so I … Continue reading

What to Do If Your Dog Eats Chocolate

Last week I took my cat to the vet for his routine yearly checkup. I thought I might find some inspiration for an article from the trip. I did, but it turns out it’s not about my cat at all. While I was gone with my cat, I forgot to close the door to the pantry. To make a long story short, although we put several safeguards in place to prevent something like this from happening, the dog still got into some chocolate. She’s doing fine, but I thought I would share what we did, and the information we learned … Continue reading