How to Save on Whole Grain Products

Eating healthy means eating whole grains. However buying whole grains can be a little intimidating when you do price comparisons at the store. For example, a large family loaf of store brand white bread may cost you about $1.59 at the store and contain enough slices to get you through the week. In comparison, you may have to buy two loaves of 100 percent whole grain bread at $3.49 each in order to get the same amount of bread. So what are your choices? Eat cheap or eat healthy? Not necessarily. It might take a little more work to save … Continue reading

No Brown Foods, Please!

My father recently had some dental work done that left him very sore in the mouth. The pain was bad enough that he was on a diet of mostly mush for a few days! Luckily, he’s a fan of certain mushy foods; for as long as I can remember, my dad has loved Cream of Wheat hot cereal. (I like it with accessories like dried fruit or maple syrup, personally!) So he ate a lot of Cream of Wheat while his mouth was recovering. But when my mom served up the first bowl, it prompted this comment from my father: … Continue reading

The Whole Grain Campaign

Well, here it is! The Whole Grain Campaign that Tristi suggested we start. Penn State in University Park has conducted yet another useless study to tell us what we all already know but ignore: Whole grain diets lower chronic disease risk and aid weight loss. Well, duh. According to co-brainiac Penny Kris-Etherton, professor of nutritional sciences at Penn State in University Park, ”Consumption of whole grains has been associated with a lower body weight and lower blood pressure.” Gee, folks. How many times to we need to be told before we start eating some oatmeal and kicking the Wonder Bread … Continue reading