Quickly Becoming Obsolete – Part 3

I am still talking about things that were once popular, but are now vanishing: Handwritten Letters Oh, I hate this. What is more romantic than a handwritten love letter? I mean, an email just doesn’t do it, does it? Yet it is estimated that in 2006, 183 billion emails were sent – each day! Add in all the cell phones and all the text messaging and who has time to actually sit down and write a letter? Wild Horses In the early 1900s, there were approximately two million wild horses roaming the U.S. Now, the National Geographic News estimates that … Continue reading

Wild Horse Protection Efforts

In 1971, the United States Congress passed the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act. In the legislation, they wrote that “these [wild free-roaming] horses and burros are fast disappearing from the American scene” and set goals of an ecological balance between wild and domestic livestock. There were approximately sixty thousand wild horses and burros counted in a 1974 census. Today, there are even fewer wild horses and burros on public lands. Despite the dwindling numbers, wild horses and burros are in good health. They do not suffer from starvation or drought — without human intervention. Some Herd Management Areas do … Continue reading