What Were Those Eagles Thinking?

Yesterday on my way to the grocery store I was listening to the radio. As I pulled into the parking lot the announcer was getting ready to talk about news stories. “In Alaska, nearly two dozen bald eagles are dead after an unfortunate encounter with a truck.” Say what? Instead of shutting off the engine and going inside as planned, I hung around to hear why so many of these once endangered species had died at once. Them Crazy Birds Turns out they were responsible for their own demise. The temptation? A truck full of fish waste outside of a … Continue reading

Dawn Does More than Dishes, Saves Wildlife Too

Today is Earth Day, so I thought I’d profile a company committed to helping keep the Earth and certain of its inhabitants clean: Dawn. (Yes, as in the dish soap.) I happened to be washing dishes the other day when I noticed a sticker on their bottle with a bird and the logo “Dawn Saves Wildlife” on it. There was also a web address listed, DawnSavesWildlife.com, so I decided to check it out. What I found is that they’ve launched a “Make a Difference” campaign to help the countless animals injured or killed by the millions of gallons of oil … Continue reading