What Makes a Person One God Can Use?

Do you want to be a person God can use? What qualifications would you need to have to be someone God can use? I’m going to suggest there are five qualities you need. 1. Willingness Willingness to be used by God in the way He chooses. Sometimes it may dovetail in with what you think your gifts may be. But that may not always be the case. Sometimes he may call you to step out of your comfort zone into area you don’t feel equipped for, so you absolutely have to depend on Him for everything you need. 2. Teachability … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Obedience: “When the Lord Commands, Do It”

Lesson #13 in the Joseph Smith manual for this year’s course of study is entitled, “Obedience: ‘When the Lord Commands, Do It.’” This was Joseph Smith’s personal philosophy of life and his every action showed it. He was a little rough around the edges, but he was unfailingly obedient to the things he was asked to do. We begin this lesson with a reminder of the many times the early Saints were asked to move to join with the body of the Church. They came from New York to Kirtland, later to Nauvoo, and then ended up in Salt Lake … Continue reading

What Can I Do? – Part 1

So you and I may have never felt God’s call to go overseas. That doesn’t mean we can sit back and do nothing. Over the next couple of days I’m going to suggest ways you can help the spread of the gospel in other lands. First and most important, pray for those who are involved in this strategic work. Nothing of lasting value will be accomplished in the world without prayer. Which means firstly we need to know of the specific needs of mission organizations. So you might want to sign up for a newsletter from one for the organizations … Continue reading

Senior Missionary Series: What If I Don’t Like My Call?

Once in a while, when a missionary receives their call and they learn where they are to serve, they are disappointed. Perhaps they took two years of high school Spanish and are all set to serve in a Spanish-speaking mission, and they end up in Oklahoma. Maybe their hearts were set on Canada and they are called to Japan. Whatever the case may be, there are times when the calls we are extended aren’t what we’d hoped for. As a senior missionary, you do have more say in your call than a young elder or sister has. Every effort is … Continue reading

What Role Does Willingness Play?

Have you ever caught yourself using that old parents’ chestnut: “I can talk until I’m blue in the face!” and it is probably true—there are times when you can talk, lecture, threaten, and cajole until you ARE blue in the face—but if the child isn’t present and willing to listen and make a change, the change is NOT coming… I have come to be a big believer in the role of willingness on the part of anyone—it might be one of my children, it might be me, or a coworker, family member, etc. Things may seem incredibly clear to me … Continue reading