Willpower Not Smarts Determines Grades

The school year is starting and as parents many of us are concerned about the grades that our child will get. I recently wrote a blog about how parents can help their teens in school and the ideas I shared can definitely help. But I just read an article that discussed how a teen’s willpower is the greatest factor in determining their academic success. Cordelia Fine in her article “Willpower is best used with care” tells about a librarian, Anne, who could predict which students would receive first-class or highest level degrees. She was almost always correct. Her secret – … Continue reading

Food Is Not Your Enemy

I recently started a food journal to record what I eat each day. After all, I’ve tried just about everything I can think of to lose weight; all the major diets and food plans. Inevitably, after a few days, I cave. It’s hard to think about losing weight when you have to cook for your family, when you spend your day with a two and a five-year-old who prefer McDonalds to your homemade fare. But these are excuses. The truth is, choosing to eat consciously is the best choice, for me at least. For the past week I’ve kept a … Continue reading