More Winter Health Tips

We’ve passed the shortest day of the year (December 21st) and the days are starting to get longer, bit by bit. I have to say, the thing I like least about the winter months is all the darkness! It makes me want to curl up in bed and hibernate like a grumpy bear. If you need a little extra help to stay healthy this winter, read on! Make sure you get some outside time. There isn’t much sunlight during the winter months, so enjoy what light there is! Try doing your daily exercise outside instead of inside — try snowshoeing … Continue reading

Quick Winter Beauty Tips

Sometimes, it feels like I have a whole different body for each season. My skin, hair, and nails are totally different in the winter than they are in the warmer, more humid summer months! Quick winter beauty tips for your hair: Is your scalp getting flaky? Check your hat. Wearing hats can trap sweat and oil on your scalp! Hats made from natural fibers allow better perspiration evaporation. Help eliminate flakes with a daily scalp massage while you shampoo. Switching shampoos might help, too — try something with stimulating peppermint or eucalyptus. Is your hair dry and brittle? Start with … Continue reading