Practical Wisdom

So, you want to be smarter? We saw that the Bible tells us the starting point for achieving wisdom. So if we have taken that first step and know the Lord God, then what comes next? We each have different ideas and expectations about what life should be like. But instead of dwelling on our views of life, we need to have God’s view of life. And God has shown us what His view of life is and what He expects of us. ‘He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you … Continue reading

Do You Want to be Smarter?

Do you want to be smarter? In all our relationships, in marriage, in parenting, in friendship, in our Christian life and our work life, we all need wisdom. So where and how do we get it? In this blog you’ll find the answer. Wisdom is essential if we are to successfully negotiate our way through this life and the problems it throws at us from time to time. Some people take the way out of trying to peek into the future by reading their horoscope or having a reading of tea leaves or going to a fortune teller. All of … Continue reading

Praying Over Tasks For The Day

In a study my darling husband and I are working through together, called Proverbs and Parables – 16 studies on God’s wisdom for living by Dee Brestin, it suggested a special daily assignment. This was to ‘each morning prayerfully commit to the Lord your work for the day and let Him direct your thoughts. As he brings various activities to mind, list them on paper. Then let Him show you what you should do first, second etc.’ This is an application of Proverbs 16:3 which says ‘Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be established.’ This suggestion … Continue reading

A Six Year Old’s Wisdom

At school my husband and I taught a lesson about God’s command not to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Genesis 2:9 The children heard how Adam and Eve disobeyed God and because of that, friendship with God was broken, Genesis 3:1-24. The children learned that God always had a plan to rectify the situation We thought the lesson had gone pretty well, even though I saw some of the children struggling to understand how God could send His Son to make things right again by dying on the cross. In our … Continue reading

Healthy Foods You May Not Eat

Foods that are staples in other parts of the world may not be on your nutrition radar here. Let’s look at a few foods that you may be ignoring! Cabbage is an amazing cancer-fighter. Certain compounds in cabbage can actually detoxify cancer cells and interfere with the formation of cancerous substances. Other cruciferous veggies (like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and turnips) can help protect your body against certain types of stroke, several kinds of cancer, diabetes, and cognitive impairment. Sweet potatoes are full of antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B6. Lentils (and other legumes, like … Continue reading

Mature Christians

You can be a Christian your whole life and still not be mature in your faith. Fact is we will spend our whole lives with the opportunity to grow and still not have achieved the perfection of Christ. Thankfully God isn’t looking for perfect people, just hearts that long to know Him and follow Him. I’ve been a Christian a long time but I would not necessarily consider myself mature in faith. I am impressionable and vulnerable to temptation that can cause me to backslide into old habits. I want to grow and mature but the truth is, I lack … Continue reading

Book Review: God’s Wisdom for Little Boys

We received the book, God’s Wisdom for Little Boys by Jim & Elizabeth George, for our two-year-old son at Christmas this year. Jim and Elizabeth George have both written exceptional devotional books for adults and teens and have been involved in Christian ministry for years. At first, I admit, I was a little skeptical. I generally enjoy children’s books that are short and simple, and this one appeared long and perhaps over his head. However, upon sitting down to read it with him, I abruptly changed my mind. I found this book to be a wonderful study on Proverbs for … Continue reading

5 More Lessons Christian Parents Must Teach Their Children

After I wrote my first article over five lessons Christian parents must teach their children, I thought of just a few more things that needed to be included on that list. As I mentioned in my previous article, there are countless lessons that Christian parents must teach their children; however, I feel there are a few more things which should be mentioned specifically. Christian parents must teach their children to surround themselves with godly friends. Previously I mentioned the importance of parents teaching children the importance of dating Christians, and I think that I missed a really important piece of … Continue reading

5 Lessons Christian Parents Must Teach Their Children

Parents have a huge responsibility in raising their children. Christian parents have even the greater responsibility of raising their children in the Lord. While there are countless experiences, lessons, and pieces of wisdom which Christian parents must teach to their children, I have chosen five which I think are vitally important to raising children in the Lord. These lessons are necessary for children to make the lifelong decision to serve the Lord when they are older. I plan to write extensively about each of these lessons in the next few blogs I write. Christian parents must teach their children that … Continue reading

Believing in God: Foolish or Wise?

If you have read many of my blogs, you know that I believe that many different things in the world, not just the Bible, point to a Living, Powerful, Mighty God. Many, many people in the world today think differently. There are people around us who label those who believe in an Almighty Creator as “uneducated,” “superstitious,” “inexperienced,” or “unintelligent.” In fact, I have even heard these people label those who believe in God “fools.” However, the Bible says that the fool does not believe there is a God. In Psalm 14:1 the Bible states: “The fool says in his … Continue reading