Feed a fever, starve a cold?

Or was it starve a fever and feed a cold? Is it chicken soup, or pile on more blankets? What’s a mother to do when someone gets sick? We get all kinds of advice from well meaning sources. But sometimes it’s best to listen to our own common sense and instincts. If someone has a fever their body is showing a reaction to its battle with an infection. If the fever is just slight (below 101 degrees) you really don’t need to do anything. When it gets higher than that it’s advisable to try and gently bring it down. The … Continue reading

The Marriage Guide Book – What Every Wife Needs to Know

We talked about how nice it would be to get a handbook on tips for what you need to know as a wife. As with What Every Husband Needs to Know, the following are some tips offered by wives for newly married or soon to be married women. What Every Wife Needs to Know includes: Men are protective by nature. That protective nature can sometimes seem stifling. Try to understand that your husband does trust you, he just doesn’t trust anyone else. Communicate with him and work together to make sure he can still protect you, while not limiting your … Continue reading