Wives Who Work From Home – Yes Honey, I Do Have a Job

Saturday, we talked about wives who work from home and we’re launching a series on wives who work from home this week and how it may affect your home life, specifically your marriage. For business tips, check out our home business blog. Yes Honey, I Do Have a Job One difficulty you may have when you are a wife who works from home is that your spouse may not appreciate that you actually have a job. A typical day for me begins about 4:30 in the morning. I get up, have a light workout followed by a shower and a … Continue reading

Wives Who Work From Home

We’ve talked about the career wife versus the housewife, but what about the housewife who works from home? I’m one of those. I work as a consultant and a contractor. I work out of my home office taking online writing jobs as well as technical writing jobs for local companies. We both had careers when we met and we both worked full time for a living. It suited our lifestyle for several years, but after our daughter was born – the priorities for both of us changed. Shifting Goals Our personal goals shifted with the main priority being at home … Continue reading