Wives Who Work From Home – Your Career

When you work from home, there are people who may scoff at the idea that you have a ‘career.’ Your spouse may even be one of them. This is a difficult place to be in because you want and need the support of your spouse. Our spouses have a profound impact on our ability to do our job. You may not realize this at first, but try to get some work done the next time the two of you have a disagreement or you feel a certain lack of appreciation – it can make it very hard. When your husband … Continue reading

Wives Who Work From Home – Working for the Weekend

We’ve been working for the weekend all week long in our wives who work from home series and we’ve talked about planning your schedule, getting respect for your work and keeping your husband from steamrolling your business. Today, we’re going to focus on a subject that is actually the hardest one in the world for me: the weekend. A weekend is defined as the end of the week; it typically falls on Saturday and Sunday. If you work in an office, you usually have the weekends off. When you work from home, however, there is no real such thing as … Continue reading

Wives Who Work From Home – Schedules, Spouses & Stop Signs

As we continue our series on wives who work from home we’re addressing another issue that was brought up in the comments. How do we keep our spouses from steamrolling the schedules we make for ourselves? Spontaneity is a great thing, but if you set a schedule, make appointments and have deadlines, there is nothing more frustrating than your spouse blithely turn your schedule upside down because they made appointments or decided to take the day off and want you to go somewhere with them. Put Up the Stop Signs First and foremost, assume that your spouse has no idea … Continue reading

Wives Who Work From Home – Bringing Home the Bacon

A couple of days ago, we talked about the fact that yes honey, I do have a job and we heard from wives who are facing this same problem with their husbands. One reader asked the question of how do you communicate this message to them. I gave a response in the comments section, but I thought it deserved a little more discussion here. Bringing Home the Bacon When we as wives, work from home, we do so for a variety of reasons. For myself, personally, it has to do with the fact that I want to be here for … Continue reading

Wives Who Work From Home – Soccer Mom Syndrome

We’ve been talking about wives who work from home and what would a series on working from home be without talking about the soccer mom syndrome. What is the soccer mom syndrome? It’s a personal phrase that I have coined (though someone else out there may give it another name) that refers to the wife who tries to do it all – to the point that she exhausts herself. The Soccer Mom Syndrome Who is the soccer mom? She’s that mom who’s always on the go. She provides transport to her kids, the neighbor’s kids and more to go to … Continue reading