On The Road—-More Tips For Women Who Travel Alone

Willie Nelson’s catchy ditty, “On The Road Again” was my theme song for about two years in the early 90s while I was maintaining a long distance relationship with my then boyfriend. In my previous blog I told you how I spent endless hours traveling solo along highways and byways so we could keep our relationship alive (he did his fair share of driving too). That was years ago, and I find myself wondering how it is that I was able to travel so far without ever experiencing a travel calamity. I am much better educated about driving solo now … Continue reading

Female-Friendly Car Dealerships

Did you know some car dealerships are now sending their male employees to seminars to teach them how to deal with female buyers? How do I know this? A friend I went to college with is married to a car salesman and they are in the area this week while he attends one of these classes. Perhaps, it’s not as strange as I make it out to be. After all, as a woman, I certainly would never dream of venturing to a car lot without a male companion (be it a husband, father, brother or uncle). In fact, come to … Continue reading