Some Responses to Honesty

Before I posted the quiz blog the other day and after I’d answered the questions myself, I prevailed on my dear husband to be guinea pig and answer the questions. Unbeknown to him at the time, I’d also answered how I thought he would answer. All except one were right. Good to know that after all our years of marriage there’s still a little surprise. His scores were mostly As, with a few C and B variations thrown in. One of the things I admire about him is the ease with which he can refuse an invitation without feeling a … Continue reading

How Did You Score On The Honesty Quiz?

How did you go on the honesty quiz yesterday? If you scored: Mostly As – It seems you tend, more often than not, to be honest and up front in your dealings with people. But perhaps you are not always as tactful and gentle as you should be in what you say or how you say it. Mostly Bs – You are sensitive to others. Your first consideration is usually ensuring the other person is not hurt or inconvenienced. This can mean sometimes you are not as honest as you could be. Mostly Cs – You are thoughtful, considerate and … Continue reading

All it Takes is a Word

Writers are a helpful bunch of people. On Tuesday I found a lovely review of ‘Kaleidoscope,’ my collection of poems, at Aussie Reviews. That review along with a great review on the same site of my children’s book, ‘Karaoke Kate,’ boosted my spirits, the same way comments from some of you here at do. Then today, another writer passed on a response she saw to my children’s story. ‘Dad likes to Cook’ appeared last month in Countdown, one of four magazines put out monthly by School Magazine here in New South Wales. The May magazine contained not only the … Continue reading

Honest Words from a Friend

Yesterday we looked at adverse effects of gossip on a friendship. To have one’s confidences shared with others amounts to nothing less than betrayal. It hurts when a friend betrays us. Whether in word or actions King David knew betrayal by a friend. Psalm 41:9 echoes his despair at that betrayal. Jesus also knew the pain of being betrayed by a friend, John 13:8, Matthew 26:48-50. Jesus told his disciples and he tells usthat we are friends if we do what He commands John 15:14. It made me think that Jesus must feel betrayed again each time we choose to … Continue reading

What Separates Friends?

When we think of what can separate friends, we might think of time and distance, or busyness or family. But listen to what the bible says can separate friends. Gossip! ‘A perverse man stirs up dissension and a gossip separates close friends,’ Proverbs 16:8. Or this one, ‘He who covers over an offence promotes love but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends,’ Proverbs 17:9. Gossip to our friends about another person, or about our friends to a third party, is a betrayal of trust. Proverbs 11:13 tells us ‘A gossip betrays a confidence but a trustworthy man (or woman) … Continue reading

How God’s Word convicts

Today I’m detouring into a psalm to show how God speaks to us right where we are. This morning I read psalm 52. This psalm of David starts off with a tirade against Doeg the Edomite who informed Saul that David sheltered with Ahimelech, the priest, who gave him food and a sword, 1 Samuel 21: 1-10. What on earth could this have to do with you or me I hear you ask? Keep reading. Though David escaped capture, as a result of the information given by Doeg to King Saul, Ahimelech and his family of priests were killed for … Continue reading

Watch Out for Words that Put People Off

Words can have a lot of power and I have written a little already about choosing the right words to use in your marketing materials, web site and other written communication. While you are looking out for the right words to use, you can also beware of some of those words that just seem to put people off or send the wrong message. Of course, there is a certain amount of taste and personality involved–some people will react negatively to a word that you think is just dandy. But, as a rule, you should watch out for using words that … Continue reading

Words of Encouragement

Since moving and after getting my arm out of plaster, I have joined tennis club. Being competitive by nature, I am pleased that the people in this tennis club are all players of a good standard, who enjoy the strategy and competitiveness of tennis. It may be social but everyone is out on the court to win the game. That’s not to say that it is not carried on in an attitude of sportsmanship and friendliness. It is common for those on the opposite side of the net to acknowledge a good shot and offer words of encouragement. Today on … Continue reading

Your Words

Have you thought about how many times a day you use words? I have a two-year-old and I am constantly encouraging him to use his words, instead of screaming or acting out. Language is wonderful, because it allows us to express ourselves. We can convey what has happened and share our thoughts and feelings. They way you use your words really reflects the type of person that you are. Have you considered the words that you use to discuss things? Do you consider yourself someone who is completely free of gossip? Are you careful in sharing opinions that may cause … Continue reading

Taking Your Thoughts Into Captivity

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought to the obedience of Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:4-5) Other translations say, “bringing every thought into captivity”. This scripture is so awesome. Within, I gather our weapons of battle are eternal in God and with them we can take captive even our thoughts that are not in line with Christ’s will. There are lying and deceiving spirits out there. I don’t believe even the most righteous … Continue reading