How Life Changes Can Affect Your Work

Whether you have a home – based business or you work outside of the home, there really is no way to prevent things from your non – work life from affecting your work day. This can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending upon the nature of what is going on in your life and how it affects your work. Of course, the effects can be small or large depending upon what you have going on. They may be things that only you can see or feel, or they may be things that other people can notice. One … Continue reading

It’s Time to Think About Work – Life Balance

As 2012 draws to a close, many home – based business owners are busy planning ahead for 2013. One of the items that is likely to be at the top of many home – based business owners’ lists of priorities for the coming year is improving their work – life balance. Time and time again, work – life balance proves to be elusive for many of us as we try to walk the line between succeeding in business and living a fulfilling life. Since each person’s ideal work – life balance is slightly different; it is difficult to propose a … Continue reading

Sample Annual Review for a Home Based Business

Yesterday, I talked about the importance of evaluating your performance and the performance of your home – based business at least once a year. Since I have not evaluated my two home – based businesses yet this year, now is a good time for me to do so. Today I am evaluating my freelance writing business. It is the business that I spend the most time working at, and the business that is my primary source of income. Just so you know exactly what is being evaluated, my freelance writing business is a sole proprietorship. I work part time, between ten and … Continue reading

Long Term Clients are a Freelancer’s Best Friend

If you are considering starting a home – based business as a freelance writer or some other type of freelance professional but you are worried about constantly having to look for work, this post is for you. It is only natural to wonder whether you will have to spend a lot of time looking for work in order to keep your plate (and your bank account) full enough all the time. That said I am happy to tell you that you do not have to let that fear get in the way of pursuing your home – based dreams. When … Continue reading

Are You Ready For Your Kids’ Winter Break?

With winter break just around the corner, home – based professional parents everywhere may be both excited about the opportunity to spend time with their children and anxious about whether they will be able to keep up with their workload while the kids are on break. Whether your kids are on break from day care, pre school, grade school, high school, or college, you probably want to spend more time with them than you normally have available during a typical work week. If at all possible, try to plan ahead so that you can lighten your workload during their vacation … Continue reading

Squeezing in Exercise When You Sit All Day

Sitting all day long is not good for your health. So if you work in an office or any type of job where you are sitting for long periods of time, you will need to get creative. Since I work from home, spending several hours most days of the week writing, it can be very easy to get comfortable and stay comfortable. I used to workout before I started my assignments. I figured it was better to get it out of the way but now I have changed things up. I try to get in 30 to 40 minutes of … Continue reading

Moms are Worth More Than They Realize

Moms do so much for their families. Some women are stay at home moms, who spend their days taking care of children, and keeping up with all the work that is required in order to keep up a household. Other moms spend time working a full or part time job, and then come home to take care of the children and the chores. Women tend to underestimate the value of the work they do. This can be problematic when it comes to life insurance. A survey that was done by The Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company reveals that women tend … Continue reading

Beware of Work at Home Scams

So you want to work from home? One of the downfalls to pursuing a work at home job is figuring out if what you are getting into is legitimate. So beware of work at home scams. One of the first clues to look for is a job that makes unrealistic promises. When you are encouraged to quit your day job, when you are told you can retire before you are 30 years old or if you are enticed with a $50,000 a week paycheck…run. Don’t walk, run! Then on top of it they will often say that it requires nothing … Continue reading

Keep Learning about Your Field

If you are looking for ways to increase sales potential or boost your home business in some way, then you should probably spend time learning more about the nature and skills of your home-based business. No matter what your business is, how long you have been doing it or how much education you have; there is always more to be learned. Industries and technology change so it’s important that you are keeping on top of those changes. Using my work as a freelance writer for example, I try to brush up on my writing skills by investing in books that … Continue reading

Blessings and Curses

I have found working from home to be both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes the very things that are blessings can also be a curse. Let me explain. This past Monday my son was home sick. He really needed to get into the doctor. It was a blessing that I was able to be home with him and take him to the doctor. The curse was that because I did take him to the doctor and it took away three hours of work time, my day on Tuesday got screwed up. Tuesday I already had plans made to meet … Continue reading