Yes, You Can Work At Home! Part 2

Working at home is increasing in popularity, especially amongst moms with children who are trying to raise their family and bring in a much needed income. Single moms are even finding that this is a possibility. While raising your children, earning an income, and tending to the other numerous responsibilities and chores that makes up the life of “Mom” is a juggling act it is being done in many households. When this is what makes up your life you find that prioritizing is essential in making it all come together. Work at home jobs come in all skill levels. Below … Continue reading

Switching to a Home Based Business

More and more individuals are leaving their corporate jobs to start a home based business. This trend is further magnified by the vastness of the Internet and its ability to allow virtual offices to exist anywhere. Many parents make this switch to be home with their kids. Older adults use it as a transition into retirement. Even some new college graduates with their strong technological skills are finding a home based business as great way to transition into the workforce. Whatever your reasons, there are some factors to consider to making this switch a successful one. 1. Do the research! … Continue reading

Don’t Quit, Freelance!

Whether you want to quit work to be home with the kids or if you are looking forward to retirement, a great option instead of being unemployed is to freelance. By freelancing your current skills, you can make some money on the side and still have many of the same freedoms found when not working. Freelancers in almost every field are becoming more common. Working at home is easier than ever with new technology and many smaller organizations are eager to hire a temporary worker to take on an extra project. From the employee standpoint, freelancing gives you the ability … Continue reading

Work from Home Frugally

If you have the opportunity to telecommute or are thinking of taking advantage of a legitimate work at home opportunity, you might want to read this article. You might think that working from home can save you money, and it can. But it is also easy to fall into some common pitfalls that will actually cost you money. Digging your way out of these work at home pitfalls could actually cost you the opportunity to work from home. Let’s take a look at some of the ways working from home can be frugal and some of the ways that working … Continue reading

Computing Week in Review: December 17th Through December 30th

Are you enjoying all of your new electronics and technology toys you may have received during the holidays? Perhaps you finally snagged that Wii or an HGTV? Now that the holidays are nearing a close, why not resolve to give your computer a little attention. Look for a future blog on all of the things you should be doing this year, such as backing up your computer files and using surge protectors for those valuable and delicate electronics. Meanwhile, why not check out some of the articles we have had in the past two weeks. Here is the Computing week … Continue reading

Crafty? Sell Your Goods on

This popular website is gaining visitors every day. And if you are crafty, you can sell your items online, without the hassle of opening up your own web store. If you can knit, sew, paint wood, carve, make greeting cards, make candles, make jewelry, or any other handicraft, you’ll want to check out It is an easy way to showcase your items, sell them online and even take new orders. There are all sorts of categories from crafts, from clothing to home decor to personal items. You can post a photo and description, and the web site will even … Continue reading

Working on Christmas Day

I confess it…I admit the truth…I really do work a bit on Christmas Day…does that make me a greedy Scrooge? The fact is, my kids spend Christmas with their father and his family and for the past few years, I have been alone on the actual holiday. I don’t travel since I see most of my extended family either before or after Christmas, and I haven’t been involved with anyone for years so Christmas Day is generally a pretty quiet day for me. I spend it cleaning up after a bustly week and our Christmas Eve family celebrations, thinking about … Continue reading

Should I Quit or Use Childcare?

The decision to quit a job or pay for childcare goes far beyond just finances. Deciding on the person who will care for your kids is an emotional one and whether a parent wants to work can go beyond just the need for money. Either way, it can be important to evaluate which would cost your family more – childcare or unemployment. Then, at least you can use that information as part of your decision making process. Typically childcare is more expensive for babies and toddlers. It begins to drop once children are preschool age and then even more when … Continue reading

Money Discussions

Discussing money as a couple is a complicated matter, but it is something you should find the time to do regularly and often. In addition to a habitual weekly money meeting, you should also consider a semi-annual money “retreat.” These weekly meetings can be at home amongst the hustle and bustle. They don’t have to be long or lengthy, just an opportunity to touch base on what bills are due and where the money is coming and going. It can be a good time to briefly discuss your monthly budget progress. These meetings can take 10 or 15 minutes. The … Continue reading

Is Telecommuting For You?

Telecommuting is a popular buzz word for a growing work style. It is not necessarily the same thing as owning and operating a home-based business, but increasingly, individuals are considering telecommuting instead of the “traditional” job. We’ve talked here on the Home Business blog before about the differences between an authentic home-based business and telecommuting, but many of us might be considering doing a little of both–or wonder if telecommuting wouldn’t be a better way for us to go than taking the risk and plunge into entrepreneurialism. With a telecommuting job, you really are working for someone else. There is … Continue reading