Setting a Schedule and Sticking to It: Part Two

If you missed Part One of “Setting a Schedule and Sticking to It” please check it out here. Otherwise, read on! Once you have a rough idea of how many hours you need to work, and what days of the week you are going to put those hours in, you can get down to the nitty-gritty. Here are some ideas of questions you need to ask yourself when setting up a daily schedule: Are you an early bird? Or a night owl? I have fought against my natural body instincts enough to tell you that it’s a losing battle. I … Continue reading

Setting a Schedule and Sticking to It: Part One

In yesterday’s blog, I talked about staying aware of your time sinks, using a kitchen timer, and why chocolate is important. Today, I wanted to tackle the problem of trying to set up a schedule for working from home. One of the biggest pulls towards working from home is the fact that you can work anytime–it’s flexible! But the biggest strength is also its biggest weakness. Many people who work from home end up working throughout the day from morning until evening, seven days a week. Although that sounds admirable (what a work ethic!) what actually ends up happening is … Continue reading

How Many Hours Are You Truly Working?

When I first decided that I wanted to work from home so I could stay home with our children when we had them (that still hasn’t happened, actually) I decided to become a medical transcriptionist (MT) because that was what I read about in an ad in the newspaper one Sunday. Not really the best reason for choosing a career path, but at the time, it made sense to me. I quit my day job and went to school full-time so I could graduate quickly and start working right away as an MT. My husband was very impressed with my … Continue reading

How to Stay Sane While Working From Home

I posted my story of my time in the work-from-home world in earlier this week–if you missed it, check it out here. That blog inspired this one: It is possible to stay sane while working from home, although sometimes it is more difficult than it would seem at first blush. When you work from home, you have almost no contact with the outside world unless you consciously work at it. Your spouse leaves for the day, and you are left by yourself, just you and your computer. The first couple of days go fine, but as time wears on, you … Continue reading

Don’t Quit Your Day Job

Here’s my sage piece of advice for the day: Don’t quit your day job just yet. Work-at-home jobs typically take a while to send out that first paycheck (if you missed the reasoning behind that, please check this article out for more info) and so if you leave your steady office job counting on the paychecks from your work-at-home job to kick in quickly, you could hit a rough patch. But there is also the fact that although the work-at-home job seems like perfection personified, some people end up really not liking it. Strange, I know, and I wouldn’t believe … Continue reading

How Many Baskets Do You Have?

Being an Idahoan, I have heard some pretty hick sayings from time to time, and this is one of those proverbs: Never put all of your eggs in one basket. But a truer statement has never been made, especially in relation to the working-from-home world everyone seems to want to inhabit. It all comes down to this: You are the only one looking after you. Companies come, and sometimes they go. For the most part, if your job can be done from home, it can be done by somebody in the Philippines or India, and can be done cheaper by … Continue reading

Data Entry Scams

Data entry is one of the most prevalent job openings on the Internet. Every job board you go to has got ten, twenty, thirty job openings for data entry, sometimes even more. I have bad news: I am willing to bet dollars to donuts that 99.99% of these jobs are scams. Makes ya want to sit down and just cry, I know. The way the data entry scam works is you read an ad saying that this company is hiring typists, you can make really good money for almost nothing, and all you have to do to get the info … Continue reading

Data Entry Opportunities

I have seen a lot of advertisements on the Internet about working from home as a data entry person. In fact, that seems to be one of the most popular job listings out there. The problem is, 99.9% of those are scams. To read more about these scams and how they operate, check out my Data Entry Scams article. But before you completely give up on data entry from home, I do have good news: There is one company that actually does pay you to do data entry from home. It is Key For Cash. The work is so easy, … Continue reading

Why are Data Entry Jobs so Scarce?

In this blog, I covered the typical data entry scam, and in this one, I covered the only true data entry company I know of on the Internet. But all of this begs the question: Why are data entry jobs so scarce? It seems like a real job. It seems like it would be pretty easy to do. Why is there such a dearth of legitimate data entry companies? Well, you have to look at what data entry truly is. When someone is a typist, they are taking information that is in another form and putting it into a Word … Continue reading

Government Jobs: Truth and Fiction

When most people think of working for the government in some capacity, they imagine a nice, cushy job. They assume the salary is competitive along with the benefits package, they believe opportunity for advancement will be excellent, and they know they’ll get national holidays off with pay. What’s not to like? Well, con artists also know these things, and they know that people want government jobs, and they take full advantage of the fact. You have likely seen classified ads offering to help you get a job with the United States Post Office or other government agencies. You sign up, … Continue reading