You May Have to Throw Out the Clock

Figuring out how to schedule our time can be an on-going reality for the average home business owner. While I am definitely an advocate of trying to come up with reasonable and somewhat predictable business hours, I also understand how sticking to a set schedule and doing business “by the clock” just may not work for a home business operation. I have written before about how I do think that time management is a key concern for the home business owner. After all, what is the point of working 13-hour days that net us $20 in income? Of course, in … Continue reading

The Pros and Cons of Working Long Hours

There are times in my home business when I work what I consider to be long days—10, 11 or 12 hours of work. While it can sometimes seem as though these long days cannot be avoided, I have learned that there can be pros and cons to working such long days of work in a home business— The pros, of course, are that I can often get a lot of work done in one fell swoop and then have a whole day or some big chunks of time to dedicate to family or other interests. Since I do not have … Continue reading

The E-mail Trap (Checking E-mail in Off Hours)

Occasionally, I just can’t help and I check my work e-mail in my off hours–sometimes it is no big deal and I can check quickly and then head off to do something else. Other times, I get sucked into the vortex of work and even though it is my own fault, I just can’t seem to stay true to my boundaries. While it may be possible to check one’s e-mail and set things aside to do later, it can also be a trap–we think we’ll just take a peek and before we know it, we are working away… If it … Continue reading