Do You Work Better at Home or Elsewhere?

We call it a “Home Business” but that does not mean the same thing for all of us. For some, it means that our business takes place in our home (a child care or elder care facility), for others it means that we have a home office or work for someone else from the comfort of our home. For others, it simply means that we are working for ourselves and not for a traditional company or someone else’s business. For many of us, we have come up with our own definition or a combination of some of these others. How … Continue reading

A Great Thing About a Home-Based Business—Plenty of Flex Space!

I attended a meeting recently where one of the topics of conversation was “flex space.” What is flex space you might ask? Well, according to the group I was with it is a trendy phrase for office and work space that can serve multiple purposes. Instead of having a traditional board room and offices, things can be moved and shifted about (portable furniture and tables, etc.) in order to foster creativity and “thinking outside the box.” I couldn’t help but want to gloat—working from home, it is all about the flex space! Portability and flexibility are one of the things … Continue reading