How I Got My Home Gym For Free

The fact that I’m frugal spreads over into every part of my life, from my diet and clothing, to my health routines. Of course, I wouldn’t sacrifice my health just to save a buck, but I do look for free ways to work out. A lot of doctors recommend walking, but since I live in Tucson, Arizona, walking outdoors any time between the hours of 6am and 9pm isn’t going to happen, especially during the summer. I don’t like being uncomfortable, and trudging around in the heat kills any of my good intentions to exercise. Staying indoors where the temperature … Continue reading

Motivate Yourself to Get Healthy with Fun!

A friend of mine got a Wii Fit as an anniversary present… and her excitement and enthusiasm was absolutely contagious! (Anybody have a Wii Fit they want to let me try?) I’ll be honest — I don’t usually feel excited and enthusiastic about exercising. I know it’s good for me. I know it helps my body stay healthy and flexible and strong. But exercise isn’t something I think of as fun. When healthy choices are chores, you’re less likely to stick with them (whether we’re talking about a diet or an exercise plan). But if you can make your lifestyle … Continue reading

Muscle Memory & Your Workout

Do you have a problem with muscle memory? I’ve heard from a lot of people who complain about their workout stalling and where once they got results, they don’t anymore. This is called a plateau and you have to find a way to get off that if you want to keep getting results. Muscle memory is another way of defining being on a plateau. The problem with muscle memory is that it’s your body’s natural way of coping. It’s essential. We use muscle memory every single day and we have to because our neuromuscular system has to adapt to the … Continue reading

I Want To Know How to Like Working Out

There’s no recipe to conjure up a great feeling about working out. The truth is – people like it or they don’t. But, you knew there was a but, right? Of course you did. Whether you like working out or not, you are more than likely to enjoy the results of a good workout – especially if you do it regularly. Results Matter Results matter. It’s a simple, but elegant fact that we all have to appreciate. After all, whether you are working out to look great in your wedding dress, to look great every day, to keep your blood … Continue reading

You Can Do It With Your Television

Almost a year ago, I made a suggestion for a great way to incorporate pop culture into your exercise routine. The following, although it can work, is not necessarily the most serious of exercise routines. On the other hand, if you’re not serious, then you’re laughing and likely having a good time. Laughter burns calories, releases endorphins and reduces your stress. So does exercise. So combining exercise and laughter is always a good combination. Television Exercise Game So how does the television exercise game work? Well here is the simplest idea. You can set up for you evening with a … Continue reading

10,000 Steps and Counting: I Failed. . .

I had written a few guest blogs on how I was beginning a 10,000 steps a day program. I am not desperately trying to lose weight although that has been a side effect of what I had been doing. And then we were struck with one “crisis” after another. I got sick. . .then my husband. . .then the twins. . .and well I fell out of the habit. That’s what fitness is really: a good habit. We have a hard time getting fit because we don’t have good habits. Breaking a Good Habit However, I have learned that it … Continue reading

Why Is Joining a Health Club Hard?

Joining a health club should seem like a no brainer, right? After all, we can agree that getting in shape and staying in shape is the way to go, right? So if we know this and we can agree on this, then why is joining a health club so hard? We all exercise in different ways, we all embrace different forms of cardio and we’re all stimulated by different things – if a health club offers us what we like or what we want to do – how come it’s still so hard? Well, for some of us – the … Continue reading

Five Ways to Get Your Fitness Program Back on Track

Are you looking for a way to get yourself motivated and working out again? Do you worry that you can’t sustain your exercise program without a good method to inspire or drive you? Maybe you just want someone or something to deliver a good swift kick in the pants to get you up and moving? Here are five ways to get your fitness program back on track: Take a Page from Laura Torres experience – Train for a race or a triathlon. Not only does it give you a goal, but there’s also a challenge to putting yourself on a … Continue reading

Your 2 Year Old and Your Workout

There’s a magic age that your children go through that making working out at home not only difficult, but downright impossible. My daughter went through this phase at the age of 3. Some parents struggle through it when their child is 2. What makes it difficult is what you do, your child wants to do too. If you have large weight equipment in your house or apartment, you are flirting with smashed or pinched fingers. Solutions to this Quandary? Of course there are solutions to this quandary, you want to keep your kids safe, but you want the ability to … Continue reading

A Gym Isn’t a Singles Bar

Rolling Stone magazine tossed out the baby with the bathwater in 1983 when they listed that health clubs were the daytime nightclub in their cover story: Looking for Mr. Goodbody. They were a great place for people in their early 20s to hook up with other people in their 20s. Men and women alike went to gyms to meet other men and women. They met them, they dated them and they really enjoyed themselves. Gyms were also repositories for hard bodies looking for other hard bodies. Olivia Newton-John glorified this image in her song and subsequent video Physical. This is … Continue reading