Body-for-Life Workout, Day #4

Taking the Stairs Most of us have a set of stairs somewhere in or near our home. Generally, we look at them as a minor inconvenience but now it is time for us to look at them as a great new opportunity! Climbing stairs is a great exercise for the calves, thighs, hips and glutes. Calves, thighs, hips and glutes just happen to be the biggest muscle group that most women need to shape up. Yes, forget about the abs for now, let’s shape up those hideous hips and bulky booty that we all avoid looking at and try to … Continue reading

Healthy Workout Tips

Regular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Here are some tips to boost your energy, boost your calorie burn, and love your workouts more. Change your shoes. The usual advice on replacing your sneakers is to pick up a new pair every 400 miles or so. But if your activities aren’t measured in mileage, what do you do? Try to replace your sneakers after 150 hours of activity — that’s every five months if you wear your sneakers for an hour every day. They may still look new at that point, but the important internal cushioning may … Continue reading

Avoid Post-Activity Body Aches

No pain, no gain — right? Wrong. You don’t have to suffer after trying a new activity, upping the intensity of your workout, or starting a new fitness program. Here are some tips to help you avoid the post-activity body ache. Always warm up before any activity. Stretch the muscles that you’ll be using. Always cool down after an activity. Move gently until your heart rate and breathing are back to normal. Try rolling your muscles out with a foam roller before and after exercising. Alternate your workouts with gentle stretching or yoga. Gentle exercise will help your body recover … Continue reading

Imagination Counts in Exercise

Recently, during a stint subbing, one of the children asked me what imagination was. Imagination is a huge word and we talk to our kids about their imagination all the time, yet as adults – we don’t really talk about our imagination. At least, we don’t talk about it much. Imagination is a wonderful facility that humans have. We utilize our imagination in many different ways whether we are suspending our disbelief when watching a movie, reading a book or creating our own stories. But we can use imagination in many other ways too. Music and Imagination Now I am … Continue reading

Fitness Journal – Pushing the Envelope

Today’s workout was more necessary than I thought it would be. It began with my morning stretch and treadmill stroll for 30 minutes at 2.8. I had to get out of the house early and I had to get a series of errands done. I did my bare minimum workout in an effort to make sure that it was done before I headed out to go shopping and more. By the time I was done and back home with my daughter it was after 3 in the afternoon. I put her down for a nap and then went to check … Continue reading

Interval Training With Your Treadmill

Yes, we’re talking about treadmills and walking again today. As boring as walking in place may seem to be when you are looking at your fitness options, the treadmill is only as boring as you make it. It’s my opinion that the treadmill offers you a wealth of options, you just have to take advantage of them. So let’s talk about interval training on your treadmill today. Interval training is becoming a real hot trend in modern fitness because it increases the number of calories you burn and can actually substantially increase your fitness regimen overall. This is how it … Continue reading

Exercise Haters Anonymous

Do you hate exercise? Would you attend a meeting for exercise haters anonymous? Do you feel ashamed of the fact that you hate exercise, but not enough to push yourself into an exercise program? Do your palms get sweaty when other people talk about personal trainers? Does your heart race when you hear people making plans for hitting the gym? Well, relax. To be perfectly honest, exercise in and of itself doesn’t sound appealing. If you live in a world where you are constantly crunching time and finding five minutes to yourself is an onerous task, then trying to set … Continue reading

Dad’s Losing It: The best 8lbs I’ve ever gained

My new baby girl was born on Memorial Day. She greeted us at 1:08 am and weighed a healthy 8 lbs, 5 ounces. The routine on the home front has been as normal as something brand new can possibly be. I have been cooking well-rounded, full meals as I expected I would during my week off from work. As a result, my little family has been on a culinary tour of the globe over the last three days. On Thursday we enjoyed a taste of Mexico as I served up free-range chicken fajitas, yellow rice and tortilla chips. On Friday … Continue reading

Treadmill Workout Tips

The treadmill is a fantastic piece of equipment that provides you with the opportunity to do your workout no matter what the weather is like outside. A treadmill takes up a relatively small footprint in the home if you buy one that folds in half and it can allow you to mix it up whether you want to go fast or slow, uphill or on the flat and let’s face it – it’s a great way to get your exercise and your soaps in at one time. (As I’ve said before – I like to work out at home and … Continue reading

Spruce Up Your Fitness Routines

We’re having a garage sale this weekend. We’re cleaning out all the clothes that no longer fit my daughter and we’re putting out for sale everything from shoes to pants to dresses and more. We’re cleaning out cupboards in the kitchen too and selling a dish set that we never use and much more. You can do more to clean up your fitness act than just cleaning out the closets. Let’s talk about how we can give our fitness routines a spring/summer spruce and get rid of the parts of your routine that aren’t doing it for you anymore. How … Continue reading