Come Out of Your Shell: Turtle Awareness

Photo by Jeff Jones When I was growing up I used to say something akin to, “I can’t wait to get out of school so I never have to worry about another test again.” My mom always countered with: “Just because you don’t go to school when you grow up doesn’t mean you stop learning.” As moms usually are, she was so very right. This month I’ve learned a lot. Especially in regards to how almost every day of every month has a designated “theme” attached to it. Take today, for instance. It’s World Turtle Day. Like I mentioned in … Continue reading

Happy World Turtle Day!

May 23 is World Turtle Day. The American Tortoise Rescue was the driving force behind creating World Turtle Day, the first of which was held in 2000. They picked a day in May because this is a happening month for turtles: they have mates to find and nests to build. I love turtles. I think they’re fascinating. It’s really amazing I don’t have a turtle for a pet. (Well, when I was about six or so, my dad did bring home a turtle for me. I lost it in about half an hour. We let it roam in the backyard, … Continue reading