Only a Prayer Away

Recently my darling husband went through a lot of my 78s inherited from my Mom. In the process of putting them onto CD he picked up and played several I’d forgotten about. One such was ‘Only a Prayer Away.’ This song was later recorded by Elvis but the 78 was around long before that version. I particularly like this song because it talks about thanking the Lord for everything and counting your blessing each day. As you all know, I’m being on giving thanks to God and counting our blessings. And it’s such an easy thing to do. Once you … Continue reading

What Are You Thinking?

‘I think therefore I am,’ Descartes said. The apostle Paul obviously considered a person’s thought life to be important. Philippians 4:8 reminds us ‘whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is anything excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your minds dwell on these things.’ Our pastor recently suggested, ‘a man is not just what he thinks he is but what he thinks about – he is.’ The reality is that as our minds are transformed so are our attitudes and behavior. What we … Continue reading