The Daycare in the Future

Today a future reality became present one, momentarily, as my wife and I briefly toured the daycare that will house our son at the beginning of next semester. We entered through the doors, took off our coats and hats, abandoned our stroller, and walked into the room for the babies who cannot yet crawl. While my wife and I knew the day would come when our son would need to be in daycare our visit today made that future reality much clearer. My wife and I are not excited about the prospect of daycare. We’d much rather have our son … Continue reading

Make Announcements about Your Business

When you hear the word “announcement” perhaps you think of a town crier with a huge megaphone hollering and making big sensational statements? Or, perhaps, you think of a simple press release that states a story or new development? It is important that we incorporate the use of announcements into how we market our home business. In fact, many businesses make very good use of keeping regular announcements about their latest developments, sales, and other details in front of the public eye. The great thing about announcements in the business realm is that they can be incredibly brief and simple … Continue reading

Graduation—Part Four—Managing the Invitations and Announcements

In the old days, I like to think that it was a much simpler process to announce a high school graduation. In fact, I think things were pretty homogenized when I graduated and I simply had to order the announcements through the school—everyone’s looked alike and then I can’t remember if I addressed them and mailed them out or my mom did (I’m pretty sure it was me.) Regardless, it seemed a fairly easy and painless process. With my daughters, however, the invitations/announcements have been a bit of a bigger deal. First, my daughters decided they wanted to do a … Continue reading

Work and Bake

This is a bit of a kooky time of year for me–in addition to work and wrapping up the calendar year, I am like many others who run a business, work, and take care of a family–I also have plenty of holiday and seasonal obligations as well. As someone who loves to cook and bake, I often give homemade treats and goodies and gifts. That means I also often find myself trying to work and attend to my baking at the same time. This is another reason I am thrilled to work from home–I can do the seasonal multi-tasking! To … Continue reading

Are You a Working Mother?

I know, your first reaction was “Aren’t ALL mothers working mothers?” Yes, they definitely are, but is geared toward moms who work outside the home. They’re looking for working moms whose children play video games to take a brief survey. In consideration, they’ll send you a $5 Best Buy gift card by mail. It takes about six weeks to get the card, but the questionnaire only takes a few minutes. $5 for a short quiz is very good pay. We are signed up with just one research firm, and take one or two surveys a month. Usually they’re geared … Continue reading

Working over the Weekend

When you work from home, it’s hard to “clock out” as Kori blogged about earlier this week. Work is always there. So when the weekend comes, sometimes it’s hard to escape. For me, writing can actually be relaxing. However, I also need to make sure that I put work away and be part of the family. The best way for me to “take time off” is to get out of the house. For my birthday, my husband bought me a laptop. So right now I am sitting on the couch watching cartoons with my children. This is what they want … Continue reading

Making the Most of a Vendor Event

You booked your business at a vendor event, now what? Working your first event can be a little nerve wracking. You want to be prepared but often have no idea what to expect. Here are some tips: 1.) Find out before hand if the other businesses do cash and carry. If so, you will want to have a few items to buy off the table. Purchase items which are hot sellers so if you have to fill orders from your inventory you can. Do not let yourself get stuck with a ton of product. Some events are more order taking … Continue reading

Insurance for the Self-Employed

If you’re self-employed, you’ve found some great deals: the hours are as long as you want to work, the dress code is pretty nice, and you have all the coffee you can stand. But you’ve noticed that there are a number of fringe benefits your boss can’t supply for you: sick days, holidays, overtime, expense money, and the all important health insurance. Not much can be done about most of your fringe benefits, alas. There is no money tree, and there is no time tree. But when it comes to health insurance, you can’t afford to forget about it. If … Continue reading

Finding Quality Child Care

If you are planning to go back to work when your baby is born, you will need to find someone to care for the baby. A good rule of thumb is to start looking for a child care provider about six months before you will need one. Since most women are on maternity leave for less than six months, you will want to start looking while you are still pregnant. There are a variety of options in child care providers. These are discussed in the Child Care Choices blog. Regardless of the type of child care you want for your … Continue reading

More on Baby Announcements and Candy Bar Wrappers

Once you’ve decided to start a candy bar wrapper business, there are a few things you will need. Stock up on pink, blue and white paper, especially when it’s on sale. Some people will ask for a specific color paper while others will prefer white paper with colored writing and graphics. Try charging slightly more for the use of white paper with colored ink. Others may want their new baby’s photo included on the wrapper. If you have a scanner, this is easy, otherwise have them email you a photo to use. Stock up on baby graphics and give your … Continue reading